The Doctor Imprisoned
In 2019, shortly after the destruction of the Reconnaissance Scout Dalek in "Resolution", the damaged casing from it was transported to a government facility but intercepted en route. Using the Dalek parts, businessman Jack Robertson has funded a defence drone resembling a Dalek that could suppress public riots and has given some to politician Jo Patterson to use in her constituency.
In the present day, 10 months have passed since the events of "Ascension of the Cybermen/The Timeless Children". The Doctor’s travelling companions Graham O'Brien and Ryan Sinclair walk towards a TARDIS disguised as a house. Inside the TARDIS control-room they find Yasmin Khan surrounded by coloured paper and post-it notes covered in writing stuck to almost every surface. She has been working and sleeping inside the TARDIS, and is desperately trying to find The Doctor. Seeing that Yasmin is not getting very far, and has become besotted with the task, Graham and Ryan try to persuade her that she needs to move on, but she refuses to listen to them.
Graham then shows her some footage of the prototype Defence Drone that has been leaked from a fake riot Jack Robertson organised. They instantly recognise it as a Dalek, and see Jack Robertson overseeing the riot. Believing that he is in league with the Dalek, Yasmin agrees to help her friends investigate because it was what The Doctor would do.
 | Jo Patterson and Jack Robertson |
They go to confront Jack Robertson as he gets out of his car. He recognises them from the encounter he had with giant spiders (see "Arachnids in the UK"). They question him about the Dalek, but Jack Robertson has no idea what they are talking about – claiming that he has never heard of Daleks. Suddenly, people with guns surround them and so they are forced to escape from Jack Robertson's bodyguards.
Jo Patterson - running for the position of Prime Minister - wants Jack Robertson to increase the drone production so they can be implemented nationally. She blackmails him by threatening to alert the treasury about how little tax his companies pay in the UK. This forces him to agree to her proposal.
 | Leo Rugazzi |
However, unbeknown to Jack Robertson his scientist Leo Rugazzi has discovered organic cells in the Dalek remnants which he has used to clone - growing the cells into a Dalek mutant. When Jack Robertson discovers what Leo has done, he is horrified and demands that Leo dispose of the creature. But before Leo can incinerate the creature, it escapes and takes control of Leo's mind and body. The Dalek-controlled Leo then travels to Osaka in Japan so that more Dalek clones can be grown in a facility.
Meanwhile, The Doctor has been imprisoned in a distant asteroid. After carrying out her daily routines she starts to tell herself a bedtime story but is interrupted by a knocking from the other side of a wall. The following day she discovers the knocking has come from Captain Jack Harkness. On learning about her arrest, he has spent nineteen years committing a series of crimes so that he will be placed in the cell next to hers. He uses a temporal freezing gateway disinhibitor bubble that allows them to reach a vortex manipulator that he previously hid in his cell. Before they are captured Captain Jack Harkness uses it to transport them both back to the TARDIS. The Doctor, along with Captain Jack Harkness, then re-joins with her travelling companions.
On learning that Daleks are back on Earth The Doctor, Graham, and Ryan confront Jack Robertson, while Captain Jack Harkness and Yasmin investigate the facility in Japan. There they discover Leo being controlled by the Dalek that he created and that while growing it was able to build a Dalek clone farm. Captain Jack Harkness and Yasmin are then attacked by some of the Dalek mutants. They are rescued by the arrival of The Doctor. The Dalek then reveals its plan to take over Earth. Using ultraviolet light, the Dalek clones transport themselves into the defence drones which begin exterminating humans.
 | The Defence Drone |
In desperation The Doctor sends out a Dalek reconnaissance signal, which reaches a death squad of Daleks. The Death Squad Daleks soon arrive on Earth and start to eliminate the Reconnaissance Daleks because they do not consider them pure Dalek due to them having traces of human DNA. Jack Robertson, impressed by their intelligence, decides to make an alliance with the Death Squad Daleks and reveals that it was The Doctor who actually summoned them.
When Captain Jack Harkness, Graham, and Ryan infiltrate the Dalek’s spaceship, so as to rig it with explosives, they witness the Death Squad Daleks exterminate the last Reconnaissance Dalek. They also manage to ‘rescue’ Jack Robertson before teleporting back to the TARDIS. As the Dalek’s spaceship blows up The Doctor then tricks the remaining Death Squad Daleks into the other TARDIS where she has set it to collapse on itself before being transported to the Void to be destroyed.
Back on Earth, and with the Dalek threat now over, Captain Jack Harkness elects to stay on Earth for a while so that he can spend some time catching up with fellow Torchwood colleague Gwen Cooper. Just as the group is about to depart on another adventure, Graham and Ryan decide to stay on Earth. They sadly part ways with The Doctor who gifts them with some psychic paper.
As The Doctor and Yasmine continue their adventures in the TARDIS, Ryan and Graham decide to use their new psychic paper to investigate strange phenomena that they have read about.