The Master
With the TARDIS stolen by The Master our three travelling companions have been left stranded. It is therefore up to The Doctor to mend Captain Jack Harkness' Vortex Generator so that they can escape the attack on the Silo, by the Wild Ones, and to follow the newly regenerated Master.
And so The Doctor, Martha Jones and Captain Jack Harkness find themselves back on Earth. But things have changed since their last visit. There has been a British election. Harriet Jones is ancient history, and the new Prime Minister is Harold Saxon.
But while millions of voters trusted Harold Saxon’s sharp suit and winning smile, only The Doctor, Martha and Captain Jack Harkness know that Harold Saxon is in fact The Master. But what are his true intentions? – They can’t have anything to do with the lowering of council tax or reducing monthly rubbish collections. The planet Earth is about to enter its darkest days and only The Doctor with the help of his companions can stop The Master.
 | The Valiant |
stop Martha’s family from being imprisoned. And then The Doctor discovers the location of his TARDIS but he is in for a shock when he enters the Console Room – The Master has turned The Doctor’s TARDIS into a Paradox Machine.
The Master knows The Doctor is on Earth and will do anything to thwart The Doctor and so during a televised first contact, with an alien race of metal spheres that The Master calls The Toclafane, onboard the Valiant the US President is killed, Captain Jack Harkness is immobilised, and The Doctor is prematurely aged.
 | The Toclafane |
Martha is the only one to escape from The Master but she is now alone and, as the planet is being attacked around her by hordes of Toclafane, things look very bleak. But what are the Toclafane and how is their very existence linked to the Paradox Machine? Could this be the end of the world? Is Martha planet Earth’s only hope? It is said that she is the only person on Earth who knows how to stop The Master – but is this true or a false hope and what will happen to Martha if she is caught by The Master who is keen to hunt her down?
It may be up to Martha to save The Doctor and Captain Jack Harkness, free her family and save the Earth but can one woman alone save the human race or does The Doctor have a far bigger plan to defeat his arch enemy and if so will it succeed?