Doctor Who Monsters, Aliens and Villains

Fenric and the Ancient Haemeovore
Fenric and the Ancient Haemeovore
 Name: Fenric, also known as Hastur the Unspeakable

 Format: Television Show and Audio

 Time of Origin: Technically the beginning of the universe - he was created from the remaining negative energies that existed in the universe prior to this one -; encountered The Doctor on Earth in Constantinople in the 3rd century and Yorkshire in 1942; briefly time-travelled to Perivale in 1987 and 9th century Scandinavia; confronted in the realm of the Elder Gods at the beginning of time

 Appearances: "The Curse of Fenric"; unrecorded previous adventure; behind-the-scenes in "Protect and Survive" and "Black and White" until appearing in person in "Gods and Monsters".

 Doctors: Seventh Doctor; unspecified encounter with an earlier Doctor.

 Companions: Ace, Hex, Captain Lysandra Aristedes, Private Sally Morgan (May or may not have encountered other companions in his previous encounter with The Doctor)

Lady Peinforte
Lady Peinforte
 History: One of the most powerful and evil of the Great Old Ones, Hastur the Unspeakable, better known as Fenric, was created out of the evil impulses of the universe that existed prior to this one, gaining some degree of sentience after the Big Bang even as the good forces that had opposed him were simply dispersed. While the other Great Old Ones are ‘content’ to act as virtually independent entities, barely even acknowledging their connection to each other as they pursue their own independent agendas and methods of conquest, Fenric became one of the Elder Gods, ancient beings who influenced various mythologies across the universe, being particularly interested in playing games with the lower beings; The Doctor speculated that Fenric and the other Elder Gods needed the something of the ‘tiny’ mortal universe to give themselves scale as purpose, although Fenric dismissed the idea that they could need anything from the mortal universe.

 While Fenric was unquestionably a powerful entity, the exact limits of his powers were never specified, aside from his ability to possess others in the absence of a body of his own. It would appear that even in a dormant state he was able to exert some influence over those who had been in some way touched by his influence, although it was implied that he would need prolonged contact with someone to achieve control; during his confrontation with The Doctor, he was able to manipulate and influence the families of people who had been in close proximity to his prison for an unspecified but evidently significant length of time, ranging from those present when he was awoken in 1943 to descendants of those who had originally buried his flash. He also possessed some awareness of the past and future, as he was able to draw a creature from the future into his current time and banish The Doctor’s companion Ace - already at least forty years in the future from his perspective - several centuries and light-years away from her point of origin. However, on some occasions, whether by some accident of his powers or his ego encouraging him to taunt his enemies, Fenric always had to leave ‘clues’ to his presence, such as when he apparently aided the mysterious Lady Peinforte in her attempt to control the powerful Nemesis statue; The Doctor was aware of his presence due to a half-completed chess game in Lady Peinforte’s study ("Silver Nemesis"), although he didn’t mention it at first.

Although the precise circumstances of The Doctor’s first confrontation with Fenric are unclear - to the point that we do not know what incarnation of The Doctor defeated Fenric or what companions he had with him at the time -, save for the fact that it occurred in 3rd century Constantinople, it is known that The Doctor was somehow able to defeat Fenric by stalemating him in a chess match, Fenric exhausting so much energy trying to figure out The Doctor’s final puzzle - The Doctor setting up the pieces in a manner that he claimed would allow Fenric to win in one move - that he was weakened enough to be banished to the Shadow Dimensions while his physical essence was trapped in a jar, the jar subsequently being sealed in a Northumberland tomb by a group of Vikings in the tenth century. However, contact with the jar turned the Vikings into Fenric’s ‘wolves’, a group whose descendants would subconsciously work to release Fenric in later centuries, Fenric’s influence prompting them to make certain decisions that would eventually result in his release (Although it is unclear how much of this influence was the result of deliberate manipulation on Fenric’s part or how much was indirect).

Jean and Phyllis as Haemovores
Jean and Phyllis as Haemovores
 The opportunity for Fenric’s release came in 1942, although it would appear that he had been working to set up the events that would allow him to escape long before that, even using events that would happen in the future to assist him. When the Seventh Doctor and Ace arrived at a secret military base in Yorkshire, they encountered the paralysed Doctor Judson, who had developed the ULTIMA code-breaking computer and was attempting to translate the Viking inscriptions on a local tomb. The Doctor having forged documents that allowed him and Ace to observe the ULTIMA experiments, they learned that a Russian platoon was trying to steal the machine, and that the father of Reverend Wainwright, the local vicar, had already translated the Viking inscriptions to learn that evil was inside the church. While Ace befriended Kathleen, one of the WRENs working on ULTIMA - who had to keep her baby Audrey with her as her husband was away -, The Doctor encountered the Soviet troops, but was able to convince them that he was on their side after prior analysis of a lost copy of their orders.

The Wrens
The Wrens
Analysing the crypt, The Doctor discovered new runes, and learned that Millington, the base commander, was becoming increasingly unhinged, not only believing that the runes dictated that the final battle of the Gods was coming, but also intending to allow the Russians to steal ULTIMA after booby-trapping it so that, if/when relations between Britain and Russia ever degenerated, it would explode after translating a certain word, Millington having overseen the creation of a highly toxic gas that would be implanted in the machine in sufficient quantities to destroy Moscow. Unfortunately, although The Doctor realised what he was dealing with, it was too late to stop the plans being completed, as some of the local villagers were transformed into a new breed of vampire known as the Haemovores, loyal to Fenric and originating from a dark possible future, while Ace provided Judson with the inspiration to complete the last translation in the form of a logic diagram that could be run as a computer program.

 Working with the Russian soldiers, The Doctor and Ace were able to drive back the vampires due to their strong beliefs - crucifixes did not keep back vampires, but rather the faith of the person wielding them repelled the vampires -; The Doctor drove off one group of vampires attacking them in a church with his faith in his old companions, and the leader of the Russian platoon, Captain Sorin, was able to walk through the graveyard with his faith in the Russian Revolution protecting him, although Wainwright was killed because the brutality of the war had cost him his own faith in his religion. With ULTIMA locked into its current program, Millington acquired the flask containing Fenric and placed it in the machine, willing to risk everything to make up for the guilt he felt over causing Judson’s original accident in the belief that Fenric could give Judson power. Despite The Doctor’s attempt to reach ULTIMA in time, he was too late to stop the computer completing the program, breaking the flask and allowing Fenric to be reborn in Judson’s body.

The Ancient Haemovore
The Ancient Haemovore
 Fortunately, Fenric’s continued interest in games allowed The Doctor to delay him by setting up another version of the same chess game that he had used to defeat Fenric the last time, although he was unable to act in time to stop the Haemovores summoning the Ancient One, an old and powerful Haemovore from the far future, into the present for his ‘fated’ meeting with Fenric. While Ace helped Kathleen escape, the other WRNs were turned into vampires, leaving the last Soviet and British soldiers to team up to face the real enemy before Fenric destroyed the now -unnecessary vampires. While The Doctor conversed with the Ancient One, realising that Fenric’s plans to dump Millington’s toxins in Earth’s options would create the Ancient One’s future, Fenric was left to agonise over the puzzle, until he was confronted by Sorin...

 When Ace visited the chess game and found Sorin standing over it, she inadvertently revealed the game’s solution before she realised that she was actually facing Fenric rather than Sorin, Fenric gleefully completing the game as he revealed that Kathleen had actually been Ace’s grandmother, and the baby Ace had saved was the mother she’d always hated growing up. After The Doctor had deliberately weakened Ace’s faith in him by claiming that he’d always known about her ‘service’ to Fenric and he would never have travelled with her otherwise, the Ancient One, having been convinced of Fenric’s true plan by The Doctor, was able to attack Fenric, locking itself and Fenric in an isolation booth and releasing the poison, destroying them both and erasing the Ancient One’s future.

The Doctor and Ace fought Fenric again when, accompanied by new companion Hex and Lysandra Aristedes and Sally Morgan - the last two former operatives of the anti-alien organisation known as the Forge -, Ace discovered that The Doctor had been tracking Fenric for a while, beginning with the discovery of a pocket dimension where The Doctor had trapped two god-like beings in human bodies where they were forced to relive the beginning of a nuclear war ("Protect and Survive"), followed by the discovery of an alien robot on Earth in the fifth century that had captured The Doctor ("Black and White"). Travelling with Lysandra and Sally in a secondary TARDIS that had been grown in the original TARDIS after an accident forced the ship to regenerate its outer plasmic shell ("The Angel of Scutari"), The Doctor had been working with Lysandra and Sally to battle various schemes of the Old Ones to keep Ace and Hex safe while confusing Fenric’s motives, having become aware of the presence of the Elder Gods during a trip to a Swedish sanatorium ("The Magic Mousetrap"), his attempts to follow up the evidence leading him to the story of Weyland’s Shield, an object that would greatly increase Fenric’s power and allow him to manifest an independent form.

However, The Doctor’s scheme went wrong when he was captured by his enemy in a new host while tracking Weyland’s Shield, leaving his companions to follow him to Fenric’s Keep - a flat world that Fenric identified as his true realm of Hell, at the beginning of the universe itself in the time of the Elder Gods, although The Doctor said that it reminded him of ninth-century Scandanavia -, where The Doctor was forced to play himself in pointless games of chess as Fenric waited for The Doctor’s companions to come to save him. Using the shield to ‘track’ Fenric after locating it in Earth’s past, the companions found themselves facing various armies, ranging from Vikings to Persian warriors and a new wave of Haemovores. With the companions having discovered Fenric’s Keep - shaped like a chess piece -, Fenric briefly taunted the three women by sending them to various points in history, showing Lysandra and Sally a scene from their future where Sally would torture and kill Lysandra to activate a weapon that would destroy Earth to defeat the universal threat of the mysterious White Fleet while taking Ace back to Perivale to give her a ‘chance’ to prevent her younger self being caught in the time-storm; Fenric knew that Ace would never change history in such a manner, but enjoyed tormenting her with the knowledge that she would have been nothing without his interference in her life, Ace owing her time with The Doctor to Fenric even as she would always hate him.

Fortunately, Ace gained an advantage when she acquired a Persian artefact that Fenric had used to create his time-storms, allowing her to return to his Keep and rescue The Doctor, Fenric briefly weakened by the energy expenditure so that he couldn’t follow them. While Lysandra and Sally were rescued by another Elder God - revealing that, on this occasion, The Doctor was just as much a piece in the game as his companions -, The Doctor studied the shield and learned that it was covered in instructions that could only be read by a being in the higher dimensions, the discovery that an old bullet-wound of Hex’s ("The Angel of Scutari") had reopened providing further evidence of a higher entity in control of their actions, suggesting that Fenric’s adversary had saved Hex to play his part in this confrontation with Fenric. Ace managed to find Lysandra and Sally when she used the charm again, learning that they had been rescued by Peggy, one of the elder gods that she had previously encountered ("Black and White"), while The Doctor and Hex were able to retreat to the TARDIS due to the ‘aid’ of Fenric’s opponent and the Shield rendering Hex invisible to Fenric when he was wielding it.

Arriving in the Middle Ages, The Doctor and Hex found themselves in an old battlefield, located near Weyland’s Forge, the resting place of the gods’ blacksmith, Weyland, where they encountered Weyland himself, Weyland’s true form nearly driving Hex insane before The Doctor made him return to human form. Weyland claimed responsibility for the Forge and The Doctor’s latest companions, claiming that Lysandra, Sally and Hex were his creatures just as Ace was once one of Fenric’s Wolves, Weyland subsequently departing in the TARDIS with the brainwashed Hex to confront Fenric himself. As Weyland and Fenric confronted each other, summoning their assorted Wolves to each other, Ace used the charm to summon a timestorm to recover The Doctor, simultaneously taking various weapons from Weyland’s forge to assist their allies in the final battle. Although Peggy claimed that they were all just Weyland’s pawns as they acted against Fenric - she was only serving Weyland because he was holding Peggy’s husband hostage -, The Doctor dismissed the idea of them being anyone’s pawns, helping the others rescue Hex and free him from Weyland’s control after taking him back to the TARDIS.

With the information provided by Peggy and deduced on his own, The Doctor realised that Hex - whose mother had been a vampiric ‘agent’ of the Forge ("Project: Twilight" and "Project: Lazarus") - was Weyland’s secret weapon, invisible to Fenric’s forces thanks to Weyland’s Shield, Sally and Lysandra realising that the Shield was a smaller version of the matter-reshaping weapon that they had seen in the future; the shield disrupted the structure of matter it was aimed at, with the weapon that they would have created in the future Lysandra and Sally saw never created as they claimed the shield before the Forge could recover it. With Weyland intending to use the shield to destroy the universe, the TARDIS crew were momentarily uncertain whether that made Fenric the ‘good’ in this conflict, but they were nevertheless still resolved to defeat both gods. Returning to the battlefield, Hex initially obeyed Weyland’s orders to read the runes on the shield - despite The Doctor’s attempt to take on the purpose himself -, but changed his role at the last minute, using the shield to banish Weyland rather than Fenric, allowing the TARDIS crew to retreat to the ship.

Although Fenric initially appeared to have departed with the loss of the Shield, the companions were horrified to realise that Fenric had retreated into Hex - Fenric unintentionally exposing his deception when he called Sally by her name where Hex called her ‘Sal’ -, but Hex was able to hurt Fenric from the inside thanks to his faith in his mother, inspiring the other companions to rally their faith and stand against Fenric. With no other way to stop Fenric, and dying of his own injury without Weyland there to keep him alive, Hex eventually begged Lysandra to open the TARDIS doors so that Hex could throw himself into the Time Vortex, trapping himself and Fenric outside the universe with Weyland, where they would continue their games with each other out of a lack of anything else to do with themselves. However, given Fenric’s nature as a being from beyond time as we understand it, it is possible that he will find some way to return again in the future.
Video - The Curse of Fenric
The Curse of Fenric
Video - The Curse of Fenric
The Curse of Fenric
Audio - The Curse of Fenric
The Curse of Fenric
Book - The Curse of Fenric
The Curse of Fenric
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Parts of this article were compiled with the assistance of David Spence who can be contacted by e-mail at
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