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The Mind’s Eye and Mission of the Viyrans

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"The Mind’s Eye" - An Adventure in Three Episodes
"Mission of the Viyrans" - A Single Episode Adventure


Audio - The Mind's Eye and Mission of the Viyrans
Mind's Eye and Mission of the Viyrans

(Colin Brake & Nicholas Briggs)

 November 2007 sees the fourth release with the two story per release format. "The Mind’s Eye" is an adventure in three episodes written by Colin Brake - and "Mission of the Viyrans" is a single episode adventure written by Nicholas Briggs.

 Both are Fifth Doctor stories starring Peter Davison with companions Peri, played by Nicola Bryant, in both stories and Erimem, played by Caroline Morris in just "The Mind’s Eye". Both stories are directed by Barnaby Edwards and were recorded on the 25th and 27th July 2007.

Fifth Doctor
Fifth Doctor
In "The Mind’s Eye" The Doctor and his two companions face life-changing experiences on a planet swarming with hostile lifeforms. Peri has a son, Erimem has an empire, The Doctor has a faulty memory and some killer plants to contend with.

This story guest stars Rebecca Front (The Day Today, Big Train), Owen Teale ("Vengeance on Varos") and Thomas Brodie-Sangster ("Human Nature/The Family of Blood"). Also starring are: Richard Laing and Nicola Weeks.

The Doctor is lost in an alien jungle and not quite himself – luckily for him he is spotted and then shot at – and so finds himself captured and taken to a place of safety – because the planet he is on is full of intelligent and very dangerous plants.

But as he recovers from his faulty memory he remembers that he landed on this planet with two companions – Peri and Erimem – and they must still be out there in the jungle and in grave danger as their minds and eventually bodies are slowly taken over by the plant life.



Desperate to rescue them both can The Doctor be able to get his own rescuers to mount a search party – before it is too late?

Oblivious to the truth both Peri and Erimem are living their lives in a fantasy world created by the plants. In a distant galaxy, Erimem leads a troubled empire where she is nearly poisoned and then is shot at. While for Peri she is back on Earth and experiencing domestic problems having to bring up a wayward step-son. Both companions though seem to recall better times and have a need to hold on to the past. For Erimem it is her time in Egypt while for Peri it is the good old days when she used to travel with a man called The Doctor.

But both of their pasts are slowly being eroded away – they are just unaware of the reasons why and the dire consequences for them both in the real world – for when their minds and bodies are completely taken over by the plant life they will cease to exist.

Only The Doctor can save them but to do so will mean putting his own life at risk as he enters the dreams of each of his companions. But the danger The Doctor and his two companions are in is not just from the plant life but by those who rescued The Doctor in the first place who have deadly plans of their own…

Caroline Morris
Caroline Morris
And then there are the Jackals – vicious creatures who come out at night and who killed all those who visited the planet before…

In the one-parter entitled "Mission of the Viyrans" the Fifth Doctor is in an adventure mainly following the exploits of Peri, who finds herself quarantined on an alien world, and face-to-face with a new race of monsters, the Viyrans. Also starring are: Peter Sowerbutts and Philip Childs.

What we’re creating is an alien species with a unique, evolving motivation that will bring it into contact with The Doctor for very different reasons throughout his life’, explains executive producer Nicholas Briggs. ‘They’re not necessarily evil, but sometimes the results of their actions can be catastrophic’.

The Viyrans

The Viyrans

We are not pretending to be you. We are the Viyrans. And there is a matter of urgency. Did you remember The Doctor?

Peri finds herself alone without The Doctor after he collapses, from what Peri thinks is intoxication after a party, and in the dark with hearing voices that resemble her own.

Confused and alarmed Peri has to confront the Viyrans a race of aliens who play tricks with Peri’s mind and memories and refer to Peri as ‘Patient Zero’. The Viyrans come from another galaxy, a galaxy that has only ever known war. Until finally the war was over and a treaty was signed to end all biological warfare – but during the decommissioning of the weapons a terrible accident occurred and countless viruses and biological agents were released. These started to spread across the stars inflicting death to all those it came into contact with them.

The Viyrans task is to eradicate every single deadly particle and to remove the memory of being infected in every single victim. Unknown to The Doctor, Peri has became one of these victims and the Viyrans are trying to cure Peri by getting her to reach ‘Memory Zero’ where she will forget the events that happened after the party when she thought she had swallowed a fly. The Viyrans though find that Peri is not the easiest of patients to cure. But once Peri realises the importance of what is happening to her The Viyrans agree to try one more time to reach Memory Zero.

Hopefully they will succeed as Peri’s life depends on their success…
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  • Featuring the Fifth Doctor, Peri and Erimem.
  • Serial Numbers: "The Mind’s Eye": 6Q/L and "Mission of the Viyrans": 6Q/N
  • Number of Episodes – "The Mind’s Eye": 3 and "Mission of the Viyrans": 1
  • Cover Length: 120 minutes
  • Episode Lengths – "The Mind’s Eye": 1 = 26'56", 2 = 25'05", 3 = 26'41" and "Mission of the Viyrans": 1 = 26'22"
  • Total Story Lengths – "The Mind’s Eye": 78'42" and "Mission of the Viyrans": 26'22"
  • Also features 52 minutes of music, trailers and special behind-the-scenes interviews with the cast and producers.
  • "The Mind’s Eye" takes place between "Planet of Fire" and "The Caves of Androzani" and after "Son of the Dragon".
  • "Mission of the Viyrans" takes place between "Planet of Fire" and "The Caves of Androzani" and after "The Bride of Peladon".
  • Cover Illustration: Simon Holub
  • Recorded: 25th and 27th July 2007
  • Recording Location: Moat Studios
  • Released: November 2007
  • ISBN: 978-1-84435-182-4

On the Back Cover:

"The Mind’s Eye"

This is a warning to all space farers. You must keep away from this planet. It’s hostile, repeat, hostile.

On a planet with no name, The Doctor finds himself confronted by a faulty memory and some killer plants.

In a distant galaxy, Erimem leads a troubled empire.

Back on Earth, Peri tells her son about the good old days when she used to travel with a man called The Doctor.

Includes Bonus One-Part Adventure:

"Mission of the Viyrans"

We are not pretending to be you. We are the Viyrans. And there is a matter of urgency. Did you remember The Doctor?


On the Inside Cover:

Writer’s Notes: Colin Brake

 ”I rarely remember the origin points for projects but I’m fairly certain that this Dr
Who audio had its roots in my first Big Finish Audio – Three's a Crowd.

The presence of Doctor Who Confidential’s camera crew on the day I visited the studio prevented me getting to meet Peter Davison (shame) but I did get to meet the lovely Nicola Bryant and, on the train home I started thinking how nice it would be to write something which would give Nicola a chance to play a more mature, older Peri. Maybe one that had become a mother...

At the same time I had half an idea about the TARDIS landing in Desperate Housewives’ Wisteria Lane (the show had just launched on C4) and I remember mentioning it to Gary. And he, wisely, said ‘but what’s the story?’ So I went away and thought one up!

I hope you like it...”

"Mission of the Viyrans" by Nicholas Briggs

Who are the Viyrans? Where do they come from? What are they trying to achieve? How will their actions affect the D
octor’s life?

Some of these questions will be answered in Mission of the Viyrans. Or will they?

”When I started doing this Big Finish job a number of people said to me that it was high time the audio adventures created a new, recurring foe for The Doctor. I agreed. But if you just create a bench of nasty guys who hate The Doctor and go around killing people, you’ve kind of tried to invent the Daleks again. And that would never do.

So, my main aim in creating the Viyrans was to pit The Doctor against a foe that didn’t want to kill people and had no feelings one way or the other about The Doctor. What Mission of the Viyrans reveals is how such a race of creatures can still be a threat worthy of The Doctor’s attention. And you can rest assured that we haven’t heard the last of the Viyrans...”


Who's Who?

The Fifth Doctor

First television appearance: "Castrovalva"
First chronological Big Finish audio appearance: "Land of the Dead"

 He has been exploring the universe for hundreds of years. He fights injustice. He defeats evil. He helps people. In his fifth incarnation, The Doctor is more restrained in temper, calmer in attitude and visually younger in appearance than he used to be. He looks for the best in people and tries never to deliberately offend or cause trouble. Some may underestimate him because of his comparatively youthful nature. But those enemies who do, do so at their own risk...

Peri Brown

First television appearance: "Planet of Fire"
First chronological Big Finish audio appearance: "Red Dawn"

 Perpugilliam Brown has been travelling with The Doctor for a while now. Their relationship can be fractious - but is generally lighthearted and friendly. A keen botanist, resourceful and compassionate, Peri also has an edgy side; a wry sense of humour that can infuriate her travelling companion. course of action remains to be seen…


First Big Finish audio appearance: "The Eye of the Scorpion"

 Upon the death of her father, Erimemushinseperem - Erimem for short - became Pharaoh of Ancient Egypt. During an attempt on her life she met The Doctor and Peri, who were instrumental in saving her. Before her coronation, the officials decided upon a different, male, Pharaoh - a decision that did not completely disappoint Erimem, who then joined The Doctor and Peri on their travels.


Full Cast List:

The Mind’s Eye  
The Doctor Peter Davison
Peri Nicola Bryant
Erimem Caroline Morris
Hayton Owen Teale
Major Takol Rebecca Front
Kyle Thomas Brodie-Sangster
Ukarme Richard Laing
Andree Nicola Weeks
Malarou/Annoncer Owen Teale
Ally/Dr Carla Love Rebecca Front
Drone Thomas Brodie-Sangster
Kharto/Mike/Guido Richard Laing
Anders/Aranda/Operator Nicola Weeks
Mission of the Viyrans  
The Doctor Peter Davison
Peri Nicola Bryant
Lawrence Peter Sowerbutts
Chris Philip Childs

The Production Team:

Writer "The Mind’s Eye" Colin Brake
Writer "Mission of the Viyrans" Nicholas Briggs
Director Barnaby Edwards
Sound/Music Steve Foxon
Theme Music David Darlington
Script Editor Alan Barnes
Producer Sharon Gosling
Executive Producers Nicholas Briggs and Jason Haigh-Ellery
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