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 Then as of January 2000 the Doctor Who audio adventures went monthly, starting with "The Land of the Dead". Written by Stephen Cole and directed by Gary Russell it was recorded on the 24th and 25th July 1999. It stars Peter Davison as the Fifth Doctor and Sarah Sutton reprising her role as Nyssa. Also starring are: Lucy Campbell, Alistair Lock, Christopher Scott, Neil Roberts and Andrew Fettes.

Audio - Land of the Dead

Land of the Dead
(Stephen Cole)

 The TARDIS picks up some strange energy emissions while hovering above Alaska in 1964 of a type that completely baffles The Doctor and Nyssa. Before they can make sense of them they are forced to dematerialise to avoid a collision with a light aircraft. However, the TARDIS is apparently following a scent and so then takes them to the same place, but thirty years later.

 As they set off to investigate Nyssa senses that they are being watched. Despite the bleak surroundings they encounter an impressive but incomplete building that is under construction. As The Doctor and Nyssa approach they are attacked by monsters. As they flee for cover into the building they find out that it is occupied by the obsessive Englishman Shaun Brett, his interior designer Monica Lewis and Tulung, a half-Inuit brought up in America.


 The Doctor and Nyssa soon discover that something in the snowy wastes doesn't seem to want this new intrusion. Before long it appears as if the local spirits, revered by the Inuits and scorned by Brett, may be making some drastic attempts to erase Brett's structure and the secrets it contains.

 While The Doctor discovers exactly what Brett has been doing, and tries to find a way to halt the assault from the deadly creatures which start to roam outside, Nyssa becomes "in tune" with the ancient spirits. Although she does not like what she sees. Why are the creatures intent on killing them and where are they from as they are not from Earth? What was the tremendous discovery that was made on a nearby archaeological dig and the deaths it caused and what is its significance on current events? And why is Nyssa so receptive to strange intense senses? Maybe the contents of the strange rooms within Brett's building hold all the answers...

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  • Featuring the Fifth Doctor and Nyssa.
  • Serial Number: 6C/A
  • Number of Episodes: 4
  • Cover Length: 110 minutes
  • Episode Lengths: 1 = 30'23", 2 = 30'03", 3 = 25'33", 4 = 27'50"
  • This story takes place between "Time-Flight" and "Arc of Infinity".
  • Cover Illustration: Peri Godbold
  • Recorded: 24th and 25th July 1999
  • Recording Location: NU Groove Studios
  • Released: January 2000

On the Back Cover:

 Landing in Alaska, The Doctor and Nyssa encounter a group of people in a most unusual house, cut off not only by the harsh climate but by their individual secrets and obsessions.

 Millionaire Shaun Brett is utilising chunks of the local area to construct a shrine to his dead father. But when deadly creatures start roaming outside, and a terrifying discovery is made inside the house, The Doctor realises that Brett has unleashed an unimaginably ancient force.

On the Inside Cover:

 A Combination of unforeseen events and shifting schedules left me with only a week to come up with the scripts for "The Land of the Dead". Luckily, a friend had just edited a book about mythology, and I'd had a quick read through. The gory Inuit story of Sedna the sea spirit stuck in my mind and that, combined with research I'd been doing into the prehistoric world for a range of BBC dinosaur books, gave me few ideas and inspired the Alaskan setting.

 Of course, it never occurred to me when writing the thing that casting a fifty-year old Eskimo character might be a little tricky! Luckily Andrew Fettes rose to the challenge, and indeed all the cast seemed to have fun during the hectic weekend of recording. But the real thrill of the proceedings was seeing Sarah Sutton and Peter Davison back together. Sarah recreated Nyssa as if she'd been away a couple of days, not sixteen years, and Peter, as ever, excelled at maintaining that frenzied sense of rising panic he brought across so well on screen. His theory that the character of Monica Lewis was actually Monica Lewinsky incognito in Alaska to avoid publicity, whilst not 100% convincing, certainly had us all entertained.

 You know, it really is enormous fun, making Doctor Who.
Stephen Cole,
July 1999

Full Cast List:

Part One
The Doctor Peter Davison
Nyssa Sarah Sutton
Monica Lewis Lucy Campbell
Supplier Alistair Lock
Shaun Brett Christopher Scott
Tulung Neil Roberts
Gaborik Andrew Fettes
Part Two
The Doctor Peter Davison
Nyssa Sarah Sutton
Gaborik Andrew Fettes
Monica Lewis Lucy Campbell
Shaun Brett Christopher Scott
Tulung Neil Roberts
Part Three
The Doctor Peter Davison
Nyssa Sarah Sutton
Monica Lewis Lucy Campbell
Tulung Neil Roberts
Shaun Brett Christopher Scott
Part Four
The Doctor Peter Davison
Nyssa Sarah Sutton
Monica Lewis Lucy Campbell
Shaun Brett Christopher Scott
Tulung Neil Roberts

The Production Team:

Writer Stephen Cole
Director Gary Russell
Sound/Music Nicholas Briggs
Theme Music Mark Ayres
Producers Jason Haigh-Ellery and
Gary Russell
Executive Producer for the BBC Stephen Cole
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