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The Curse of Peladon
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Jon Pertwee
The Curse of Peladon
Third Doctor Logo


The Statue of Aggedor
The Statue of Aggedor
 On its way back to Earth, the TARDIS crash lands on Peladon where strange and violent incidents are threatening to disrupt a conference between visiting delegates from the Galactic Federation and Peladon's King. Is this the feared curse of Peladon and will it force a Galactic war?

 Having assumed the guise of Earth delegates, The Doctor and his assistant Jo attempt to diffuse the political timebomb and to uncover the true identity of the beast of Peladon - which they suspect is something far more sinister than a mere paranormal apparition.

Source: BBC VHS Video

General Information

Season: Nine
Production Code: MMM
Story Number: 61
Episode Numbers:308 - 311
Number of Episodes: 4
Percentage of Episodes Held:100%
Working Titles:"The Curse" and "Curse of the Peladons"
Production Dates: December 1971 - February 1972
Broadcast Started: 29 January 1972
Broadcast Finished: 19 February 1972
Colour Status: Colour and B&W
Studio: BBC Television Centre Puppet Theatre, Ealing Television Film Studios & BBC Television Centre (TC3 and TC4)
Location: None
Writer:Brian Hayles
Director:Lennie Mayne
Producer:Barry Letts
Script Editor:Terrance Dicks
Editor:Michael Sha-Dyan
Production Assistant:Chris D'Oyly John
Assistant Floor Manager:Ros Anderson
Designer:Gloria Clayton
Costume Designer:Barbara Lane
Make-Up Designer:Sylvia James
Cameramen:Fred Hamilton and Peter Sargent
Lighting:Howard King
Visual Effects:Bernard Wilkie and Ian Scoones
Fights Arranged By:PROFILE and Terry Walsh
Incidental Music:Dudley Simpson
Special Sounds (SFX Editor):Brian Hodgson
Studio Sounds:Tony Millier
Title Sequence:Bernard Lodge and Ben Palmer
Title Music:Ron Grainer and the BBC Radiophonic Workshop. Arranged by Delia Derbyshire
Ice Warriors Originally Created By: Brian Hayles
Number of Doctors: 1
The Doctor: Jon Pertwee (The Third Doctor)
Number of Companions: 1The Companion: Katy Manning (Jo Grant) Guest Cast: David Troughton (Peladon) Additional Cast: Geoffrey Toone (Hepesh), Henry Gilbert (Torbis), Alan Bennion (Izlyr), Sonny Caldinez (Ssorg), Stuart Fell (Alpha Centauri), Ysanne Churchman (Voice of Alpha Centauri), Murphy Grumbar (Arcturus), Terry Bale (Voice of Arcturus), Gordon St. Clair (Grun), Nick Hobbs (Aggedor), George Giles (Guard Captain), Wendy Danvers (Amazonia)Setting: Planet Peladon Villain:High Priest Hepesh

The Episodes

No. Episodes Broadcast
Duration Viewers
In Archive
308Episode 129 January 197224'32"10.3PAL colour conversion and 16mm B&W telerecording
309Episode 205 February 197224'33"11.0PAL colour conversion and 16mm B&W telerecording
310Episode 312 February 197224'21"7.8PAL colour conversion and 16mm B&W telerecording
311Episode 419 February 197224'16"8.4PAL colour conversion and 16mm B&W telerecording

Total Duration 1 Hour 38 Minutes

Audience Appreciation

Average Viewers (Millions) 9.4
Doctor Who Magazine Poll (1998)70.52%  (Position = 66 out of 159)
Doctor Who Magazine Poll (2009)72.02% Higher (Position = 82 out of 200)
Doctor Who Magazine Poll (2014)73.18% Higher (Position = 93 out of 241)
Doctor Who Magazine Poll (2023) Position = 12 out of 24


 All four episodes exist in colour as PAL conversions, from NTSC 2" colour videotapes, and the original 16mm Black and White film telerecordings.

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"The Curse of Peladon" is the first of two stories that The Doctor visits the planet Peladon. It would later be followed by "The Monster of Peladon" in 1974. This is also the second journey away from Earth for the Third Doctor since his exile by the Time Lords – the first being "Colony in Space".

This story is considered to be an allegory to the United Kingdom’s entry into the European Common Market - a highly topical issue at the time of its original transmission.

Author Brian Hayles previously created the Ice Warriors in the 1967 Second Doctor story "The Ice Warriors". They then returned in "The Seeds of Death" (in both cases they were the antagonists). This is the third of four television stories that they would appear in.

David Troughton, who plays King Peladon, is the son of Patrick Troughton. David Troughton had previously appeared in the Second Doctor stories "The Enemy of the World" and "The War Games". He would also appear in the show again in the 2008 Tenth Doctor story "Midnight".

Geoffrey Toone, who plays Hepesh, previously appeared as Temmosus in the 1965 Amicus Doctor Who film Doctor Who and the Daleks, staring Peter Cushing as Doctor Who.

Sonny Caldinez replaced David Purcell at a late stage as the Ice Warrior called Ssorg.

Longtime extra Stuart Fell provided the body of Alpha Centauri, while Ysanne Churchman provided the voice of the hermaphrodite hexapod; both would return in the sequel story "The Monster of Peladon", along with Alan Bennion and Sonny Caldinez as the Ice Warriors.

The story featured the only on-screen credit for Terry Walsh's short-lived stunt group PROFILE. Terry Walsh had by this point superseded Derek Ware as the show's regular stunt co-ordinator, but would subsequently be credited simply under his own name.

The period of history that both the Peladon stories take place in is not stated on-screen, but the Virgin Books' The New Adventures novel "Legacy" placed them at around the 39th and 40th centuries.

This story is the first time that the Ice Warriors state that they are from Mars.

In this story it is revealed that The Doctor has telepathic empathy with animals and is skilled at spear fighting.

As scripted, the scene where The Doctor soothes Aggedor was to feature The Doctor intoning the Tibetan chant ‘Om mane padme hum’, but it was decided to instead use an expanded version of the Venusian nursery rhyme ‘Kokleda partha mennin klatch aroon aroon aroon, Ablarka sheena teerinatch, aroon araan aroon’ introduced in "The Dæmons" at the end of the previous season. Jon Pertwee sang this to the tune of the Christmas carol "God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen". The Virgin Books' The Missing Adventures novel "Venusian Lullaby" is named after this song. It would also be featured in the 2008 Christmas special "The Next Doctor".

Amazonia, the real delegate from Earth, is never referred to by name in the actual story. Her name is only given in the closing credits.

The Doctor has re-visited Peladon a further two times: as the Fifth Doctor in the Big Finish Productions audio story "The Bride of Peladon" and then as the Seventh Doctor in the Virgin Books' The New Adventures novel "Legacy" written by Gary Russell. The Big Finish Productions Third Doctor Companion Chronicles story "The Prisoner of Peladon" is told by King Peladon, with David Troughton reprising his role for the first time.

Sadly, like many early Third Doctor stories, the original 625-line master videotapes for this story were wiped around 1975. Thankfully the Black and White 16mm telerecordings had been retained and in 1979 525-line NTSC colour copies were returned to the BBC from Canada. It was found though that the third episode was in a very poor condition. Luckily a copy of a NTSC quad tape was lent to the restoration team by a UK fan enabling all four episodes to be restored.

First and Last

The Firsts:

 The first of two stories that The Doctor visits the planet Peladon.

 The first time that the Ice Warriors state that they are from Mars.

 The first appearance (in a major role) of David Troughton (the Son of Patrick Troughton) in the show.

 The first Doctor Who story to be directed by Lennie Mayne

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The Plot

WARNING: May Contain SpoilersHide Text
The Citadel
The Citadel

In a citadel on the planet Peladon, Chancellor Torbis reports to King Peladon that the delegate from Alpha Centauri has arrived. Peladon wants the planet to join the Galactic Federation but Hepesh, his High Priest, is against such a move. Peladon has invited a committee of assessment to the planet to decide on the issue and all are now present, barring the chairman delegate from Earth. Torbis leaves to inform the other delegates of Alpha Centauri's arrival but he is attacked and killed by Aggedor, the sacred and mythical beast of Peladon.

The TARDIS arrives on the slopes of the mountain on which the citadel is perched, and when The Doctor and Jo Grant exit, it tumbles to the bottom of the mountain. Unable to descend, The Doctor and Jo struggle up the mountainside through rain and wind until Jo finds a cave which leads to a series of underground tunnels under the citadel. They soon find their way into the citadel and see an Ice Warrior lumber past just before they are caught and taken to the throne room.

There, they meet Peladon and the assembled delegates: Alpha Centauri, Arcturus and Martians Lord Izlyr and his aide Ssorg. Izlyr assumes that The Doctor is the delegate from Earth and the others follow suit. The Doctor, not wishing to cause undue trouble, plays along by introducing Jo as ‘Princess Josephine of TARDIS’. Peladon is very taken with Jo. While they are talking, Hepesh gestures to Grun, the King's champion, and he slips out of the throne room and positions himself to topple a statue of Aggedor onto the delegates as they leave the throne room.

King Peladon
King Peladon

Luckily, The Doctor sees the statue as it falls and pushes the delegates out of its path just before it crashes to the floor, saving their lives. Un-noticed Grun creeps back into the throne room and while Peladon tries to assure everyone that there is no need for alarm and that they are all safe, Jo slips away and finds a piece of electronic equipment near where the statue was originally standing. Later, when she shows it to The Doctor he confirms that it is an electronic key made from Trisilicate, which can be found only on Mars, home of the Ice Warriors.

Arcturus is then attacked. Lukily The Doctor is able to re-route his circuits and stabilise his condition. In doing so he discovers that someone has taken a servo junction unit from his life support systems. Jo decides to investigate and it is not long before she finds the missing unit in the Warriors' room. However, she is discovered by Ssorg who locks her in the room. Jo though manages to escape by climbing out of the window and edging round to another room. On entering the corridor she sees Aggedor and, panicking, runs straight into Izlyr and Ssorg. She talks with the Martians and realises that they are innocent.

High Priest Hepesh
High Priest Hepesh

Meanwhile The Doctor has been lured into the tunnels under the citadel by Grun and is chased by Aggedor. He arrives at the sacred temple of Aggedor and Hepesh has him arrested for sacrilege, a crime for which there is only one punishment - death. Jo, on learning what has happened to The Doctor, appeals to Peladon and he commutes the sentence to a battle to the death with Grun.

Hepesh offers to help The Doctor escape and gives him a map of the tunnels. He tells him that he does not stand alone in his desire to prevent the planet from joining the Federation. The Doctor fits a mirror to the top of his sonic screwdriver and leaves. In the tunnels, the map leads him to Aggedor. The Doctor hypnotises the beast with the spinning mirror and by crooning a Venusian lullaby. However, Jo, who has followed The Doctor, frightens Aggedor off with a flaming torch, and they return to tell Peladon that Aggedor is real but he does not believe them and the trial by combat takes place.

The Doctor beats Grun, but refuses to kill him. Arcturus points his laser weapon at The Doctor, but Ssorg destroys Arcturus before he can fire. Hepesh escapes into the tunnels and recruits the guard captain and some of the guards to fight against Peladon. The delegates discover that all their communicators have been destroyed and they are unable to summon help.

Alpha Centauri
Alpha Centauri

It is not long before Hepesh and his guards storm the throne room and fight with Peladon's guards. This prompts The Doctor to search for Aggedor again. On locating the beast he hypnotises Aggedor and brings him to the throne room where he attacks Hepesh and kills him. With this, the guards surrender so ending the conflict.

With peace resumed The Doctor and Jo find the TARDIS in one of the citadel rooms where it had been placed earlier by Peladon's men. As they wait for the coronation is about to take place The Doctor muses that it was no coincidence that they landed on Peladon at this crucial moment in the plants history. He therefore correctly deduces that again the Time Lords have brought them here at this time and so the TARDIS is still not within The Doctor's control. Then just before they join the others to watch the coronation the real delegate from Earth arrives and The Doctor and Jo decide that it would be best if they left quickly now that it has been revealed that they are not who everyone thought they were…

The Ice Warriors
The Ice Warriors
In Love
In Love
Trying to Save Delegate Arcturus
Trying to Save Delegate Arcturus
The Doctor Hypnotises Aggedor
The Doctor Hypnotises Aggedor
The Doctor and Jo
The Doctor and Jo
The Statue of Aggedor
The Statue of Aggedor
The Doctor and Jo with the Delegates
The Doctor and Jo with the Delegates
The Doctor with Alpha Centauri and Lord Izlyr
The Doctor with Alpha Centauri and Lord Izlyr

Quote of the Story

 'I don't understand you! One minute you're condemning The Doctor to death and the next you're proposing to me!'

Jo Grant (to Peladon)

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Release Information

FormatTitleRelease Date (UK)Code NumberCover ArtRemarks
The Curse of PeladonAugust 1993BBCV 4978Andrew Skilleter
The Curse of PeladonNovember 2007Photo-montageNarrated by Katy Manning (Jo Grant) Double CD Release Includes a bonus interview with Katy Manning
The Curse of PeladonJanuary 2010BBCDVD 2744Photo-montagePart of the "Peladon Tales" box set along with "The Monster of Peladon"
Classic TV Adventures - Collection OneApril 2017Photo-montagePart of the "Classic TV Adventures Collection One" Box Set Narrated by Katy Manning (Jo Grant)
Doctor Who: The Collection - Season 9 (Limited Edition)March 2023BBCBD 0566Lee BindingBlu-Ray Limited Edition boxed set containing 5 specially restored stories
Doctor Who: The Collection - Season 9 (Standard Edition)Due: February 2025BBCBD 0621Lee BindingBlu-Ray Standard Edition boxed set containing 5 specially restored stories

In Print

FormatTitleRelease Date (UK)PublisherAuthorCover ArtRemarks
Doctor Who and the Curse of PeladonJanuary 1975Target No. 13Brian HaylesChris AchilleosISBN: 0-426-10452-8
(1st Edition Target Cover)
Doctor Who and the Curse of PeladonJuly 1979Target No. 13Brian HaylesChris AchilleosISBN: 0-426-11084-6
(White Logo Cover)
Doctor Who and the Curse of PeladonJuly 1980Target No. 13Brian HaylesChris AchilleosISBN: 0-426-20061-6
(Brown Logo Cover)
Doctor Who and the Curse of Peladon1980Target No. 13Brian HaylesBill DonohoeHardback Version
The Curse of PeladonJune 1992Target No. 13Brian HaylesAlister PearsonVirgin new cover reprint.
ISBN: 0-426-11498-1
The Curse of Peladon1995BBC AudioBrian HaylesAbridged version read by Jon Pertwee. Single Cassette. ZBBC 1768
Tales From The TARDIS - Volume 1July 2004BBC AudioBrian Haylesphoto-montageMP3 version read by Jon Pertwee. Release includes 12 stories read by various actors and actresses from the show.
ISBN: 0-563-52372-7
Doctor Who and the Curse of PeladonMay 2013Target No. 13Brian HaylesChris AchilleosAudio version of the Target Novel read by David Troughton.
Doctor Who CMS Magazine (An Adventure in Space and Time)Issue 61
Doctor Who Monthly - ArchiveIssue 69 (Released: October 1982)
Doctor Who Magazine - ArchiveIssue 129 (Released: October 1987)
Doctor Who Magazine - ArchiveIssue 215 (Released: August 1994)
Doctor Who Magazine - Time TeamIssue 329 (Released: April 2003)
Doctor Who Magazine - Time TeamIssue 330 (Released: May 2003)
Doctor Who Magazine - The Fact of FictionIssue 381 (Released: May 2007)
Doctor Who DVD FilesVolume 71 (Released: September 2011)

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Photo Gallery

The Doctor and Companion

Jon Pertwee
The Third Doctor


Katy Manning
Jo Grant

On Release

VHS Video Cover
VHS Video Cover

Soundtrack CD Cover
Soundtrack CD Cover

DVD Cover
DVD Cover

Classic TV Adventures Collection One CD Cover
Classic TV Adventures Collection One CD Cover

The Collection Season 9 Limited Edition Blu-Ray Cover
The Collection Season 9 Limited Edition Blu-Ray Cover

The Collection Season 9 Standard Edition Blu-Ray Cover
The Collection Season 9 Standard Edition Blu-Ray Cover


In Print

Original Target Book Cover
Original Target Book Cover

Original Target Book Cover (White Logo Cover)
Original Target Book Cover (White Logo Cover)

Original Target Book Cover (Brown Logo Cover)
Original Target Book Cover (Brown Logo Cover)

Hardback Book Cover
Hardback Book Cover

Reprinted Virgin Book Cover
Reprinted Virgin Book Cover

Audio Cassette Cover
Audio Cassette Cover

MP3 Cover
MP3 Cover

Target Audio CD Cover
Target Audio CD Cover



Doctor Who CMS Magazine (An Adventure in Space and Time): Issue 61
Doctor Who CMS Magazine (An Adventure in Space and Time): Issue 61

Doctor Who Monthly - Archive: Issue 69
Doctor Who Monthly - Archive: Issue 69

Marvel Comics
Doctor Who Magazine - Archive: Issue 129
Doctor Who Magazine - Archive: Issue 129

Marvel Comics
Doctor Who Magazine - Archive: Issue 215
Doctor Who Magazine - Archive: Issue 215

Marvel Comics
Doctor Who Magazine - Time Team: Issue 329
Doctor Who Magazine - Time Team: Issue 329

Marvel Comics
Doctor Who Magazine - Time Team: Issue 330
Doctor Who Magazine - Time Team: Issue 330

Marvel Comics
Doctor Who Magazine - The Fact of Fiction: Issue 381
Doctor Who Magazine - The Fact of Fiction: Issue 381

Marvel Comics
Doctor Who DVD Files: Volume 71
Doctor Who DVD Files: Volume 71

GE Fabbri

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