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The Dæmons
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Jon Pertwee
The Dæmons
Third Doctor Logo


 For 200 years the secret of Devils End village has lain dormant, as the burial mound, the so-called Devil’s Hump, has remained sealed. Until now, at midnight on April 30th on the greatest occult festival of the year, as Professor Homer prepares to break it open.

 But just what evil treasures lie buried there? Will the local white witch’s warnings of doom and destruction be fulfilled? Who or what is the mighty Azal?

 But even more disturbing for The Doctor and Jo, just how is the Reverend Magister, alias the infamous Master, involved in the mystery?

Source: BBC VHS Video

General Information

Season: Eight
Production Code: JJJ
Story Number: 59
Episode Numbers:299 - 303
Number of Episodes: 5
Percentage of Episodes Held:100%
Alternative Titles:"The Daemons"
Working Titles:The Demons"
Production Dates: April - May 1971
Broadcast Started: 22 May 1971
Broadcast Finished: 19 June 1971
Colour Status: Colour and B&W
Studio: BBC Television Centre (TC3 and TC4)
Location: Aldbourne, Membury and Knighton (Wiltshire) and Darrell's Farm (Ramsbury, Wiltshire).
Writer:Guy Leopold (Pseudonym for Robert Sloman and Barry Letts)
Director:Christopher Barry
Producer:Barry Letts
Script Editor:Terrance Dicks
Editor:Chris Wimble
Production Assistant:Peter Grimwade
Assistant Floor Manager:Sue Hedden
Designer:Roger Ford
Costume Designer:Barbara Lane
Make-Up Designer:Jan Harrison
Cameraman:Fred Hamilton
Lighting:Ralph Walton
Visual Effects:Peter Day
Fights Arranged By:Peter Diamond
Incidental Music:Dudley Simpson
Special Sounds (SFX Editor):Brian Hodgson
Studio Sounds:Tony Millier
Title Sequence:Bernard Lodge and Ben Palmer
Title Music:Ron Grainer and the BBC Radiophonic Workshop. Arranged by Delia Derbyshire
Number of Doctors: 1
The Doctor: Jon Pertwee (The Third Doctor)
Number of Companions: 4The Companions: Nicholas Courtney (The Brigadier), John Levene (Sergeant Benton), Katy Manning (Jo Grant) and Richard Franklin (Captain Mike Yates) Guest Cast: Roger Delgado (The Master) Additional Cast: Damaris Hayman (Miss Olive Hawthorne), Stephen Thorne (Azal), David Simeon (Alastair Fergus), Robin Wentworth (Prof. Horner), Rollo Gamble (Winstanley), Stanley Mason (Bok), Don McKillop (Bert the Landlord), James Snell (Harry), John Joyce (Garvin), Eric Hillyard (Dr. Reeves), Jon Croft (Tom Girton), Christopher Wray (PC Groom), Gerald Taylor (Bakers Man), Alec Linstead (Sgt. Osgood), John Owens (Thorpe), The Headington Quarry Men (Morris Dancers), Matthew Corbett (Jones)Setting: Devil's End (1970s) Villains: Azal and The Master

The Episodes

No. Episodes Broadcast
Duration Viewers
In Archive
299Episode 122 May 197125'05"9.2PAL D3 colour restoration and 16mm B&W telerecording
300Episode 229 May 197124'20"8.0PAL D3 colour restoration and 16mm B&W telerecording
301Episode 305 June 197124'27"8.1PAL D3 colour restoration and 16mm B&W telerecording
302Episode 412 June 197124'25"8.1PAL 2" colour videotape and 16mm B&W telerecording
303Episode 519 June 197124'04"8.3PAL D3 colour restoration and 16mm B&W telerecording

Total Duration 2 Hours 2 Minutes

Audience Appreciation

Average Viewers (Millions) 8.3
Doctor Who Magazine Poll (1998)78.17%  (Position = 27 out of 159)
Doctor Who Magazine Poll (2003)701 Points (Position = 14 out of 159)
Doctor Who Magazine Poll (2009)81.26% Higher (Position = 34 out of 200)
Doctor Who Magazine Poll (2014)81.53% Higher (Position = 38 out of 241)
Doctor Who Magazine Poll (2023) Position = 4 out of 24


 All five episodes exist in colour. Episodes 4 exist as PAL 2" colour videotape. Episodes 1, 2, 3 and 5 exist as PAL D3 colour restorations. All five episodes also exist as 16mm black & white telerecordings.

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This story is considered by many fans to be one of the finest story of its era and Jon Pertwee had been heard to state numerous times that this was his favourite Doctor Who story.

It was actually written by Robert Sloman and Barry Letts together, using the pseudonym Guy Leopold.

This story was inspired by an audition piece that producer and co-writer Barry Letts wrote when casting the role of companion Jo Grant.

This story features an appearance by television presenter Matthew Corbett - whose father Harry created and operated the popular children's puppet character Sooty. He appears as one of The Master's devil-worshipping acolytes in episode five.

Nicholas Courtney was pressed into additional service as the voice of the BBC3 announcer. Director Christopher Barry's also provides a vocal performance as he is heard as the RAF pilot.

Many have noted the similarities between this story's plot and that of the 1958 BBC serial and 1967 Hammer film "Quatermass and the Pit". Both involve the unearthing of an extraterrestrial spaceship, an alien race that has interfered with human evolution and is the basis for legends of devils, demons and witchcraft, and places with ‘devilish’ names - ‘Devil's End’ in this story, and ‘Hob's Lane’ in "Quatermass and the Pit".

This story differs with other explanations for the destruction of Atlantis; Azal implies his race was responsible for its destruction. (However, it should be pointed out that Atlantis isn't destroyed in either "Underwater Menace" - the lower levels are just flooded - or "The Time Monster" when Chronos attacks Atlantis we see it knock over the temple - there is no indication that Chronos destroys the whole of Atlantis). Also in "The Dæmons" itself, this is just one of a handful of non-specific claims Azal makes in a rant, and could not necessarily be true.

The clip of The Brigadier's helicopter blowing up as it hits the heat barrier was actually a piece of footage taken from the James Bond film "From Russia With Love".

The incantation that The Master uses in summoning Azal is actually part of the nursery rhyme "Mary Had a Little Lamb" spoken backwards.

It is revealed that Azal is the last of his race, from the planet Dæmos, which is 60,000 light years from Earth. The Dæmons came to Earth 100,000 years ago to engineer mankind's genetic development. Azal says ‘my race destroys its failures. Remember Atlantis’.

The area under the church is always referred to as 'the cavern' and never 'the crypt'. This was a BBC requirement to avoid the risk of causing any offence to religious viewers. Similarly no mention of God was permitted to be made in the story's dialogue, although references to the Devil were acceptable.

The Doctor uses the words of a Venusian lullaby to ward off Bok. He uses the lullaby again in "The Curse of Peladon" and "The Monster of Peladon", singing the words to a tune which is actually the Christmas carol "God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen".

The television news programme filmed at Devil's End was depicted as broadcast on a fictional channel called BBC Three, Since 2003, BBC Three has been an actual digital BBC channel.

Interestingly a signpost is seen next to the heat barrier stating: 'Devil's End 1' – despite, in episode two, it being announced that the barrier has a five mile radius, centred on the church.

Much of this story was filmed on location in the village of Aldbourne, Wiltshire - particularly in the grounds of the Church of St Michael and in the vicinity of the Blue Boar, the local pub which was renamed the ‘Cloven Hoof’ for the duration of filming. Many Aldbourne residents participated in the recording, and the two week period would subsequently be generally acknowledged as a high point of the entire Pertwee era.

Because so much material had been captured on film, this story required only three studio days instead of the normal Doctor Who formula of having one day in the studio per episode.

After this story was broadcast, which brought Season Eight to a close, the BBC received a number of letters complaining about the destruction of the church. Many viewers mistakenly thought that the BBC had actually blown up a church as part of the filming when in fact they had used footage of a model church being blown up.

In 1993, Pertwee, along with several members of the cast and crew including Nicholas Courtney, John Levene, Richard Franklin and director Christopher Barry returned to Aldbourne for the Reeltime Pictures reunion documentary "Return to Devil's End".

Nicholas Courtney titled his 1998 volume of autobiography "Five Rounds Rapid" after the famous line from this story.

The 2005 revived show suggests that The Doctor's theory that humans' ideas of demons were derived from "The Dæmons" may be incorrect. The story "The Impossible Planet/The Satan Pit" posits that all forms of theology about devils, on every planet (including Dæmos), are derived from a primordial memory of a horned creature called the Beast. Russell T. Davies stated in the Doctor Who Confidential episode "Religion and Myth" that accompanies this 2006 Tenth Doctor story, that they aimed to create a ‘Russian doll’ effect, wrapping that story around "The Dæmons".

In the 2007 story "Utopia", two sound clips from this story (‘Destroy him!’ and ‘Then you will give your power to me!’) were used when professor Yana prepares to open his fob watch.

An omnibus version of this story was shown on BBC One over Christmas in 1971. The omnibus's opening credits gave the title as "Doctor Who and the Dæmons".

Sadly the BBC wiped all the original 625-line PAL colour videotapes (except for episode four). This was despite a request made at the time by producer and co-writer, Barry Letts, for this story to be retained as an example of 1970s Doctor Who. Luckily a converted 525-line colour NTSC version recorded off-air from an American broadcast was made available to the BBC. This version however, was abridged and unsuitable for transmission as it was not of broadcast standard. In 1992 the colour signal from the NTSC tapes were used, along with a VHS fan recording to bridge the gaps, as the basis for colourising the 16mm monochrome telerecordings of episodes one, two, three and five. The colourised version was subsequently repeated on BBC2 on consecutive Fridays in November/December 1992. It was again repeated on BBC4, as 2 compilation episodes, on the 21st and 22nd October 2007.

First and Last

The Firsts:

 The first Doctor Who story to be written by Robert Sloman and Barry Letts (under the Pseudonym Guy Leopold).

The Lasts (Subject to Future Stories):

 The last story of Season Eight.

 Jan Harrison's last involvement in the show as Makeup Artist

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The Plot

WARNING: May Contain SpoilersHide Text

Strange things are happening at the village of Devil's End. There have been some unexplained deaths which the local white witch, Miss Olive Hawthorne, thinks were caused by the victims being frightened to death. And just outside Devil's End an archaeological dig is taking place at an ancient barrow called the Devil's Hump where Professor Horner, who is leading the archaeological dig, is convinced contains the tomb of a warrior chieftain.

That night, the 30th April, an outside broadcast crew from BBC3 is going to cover Professor Horner's planed break through of the ancient barrow. Watching the BBC3 coverage on television at UNIT HQ, The Doctor becomes very concerned and leaves for Devil's End with his companion Jo Grant to try and stop Professor Horner. After a hair-raising journey, and after getting lost on more than one occasion forcing them to stop and get are given directions to the dig at the local pub, The Cloven Hoof, they eventually arrive at Devil's End. But just as The Doctor and Jo arrive at the archaeological dig Professor Horner breaks into the barrow, and an icy wind starts to blow. The Doctor rushes to the barrow leaving Jo to catch him up. However, when Jo reaches at the barrow she finds both The Doctor and Professor Horner have been frozen solid. After The Doctor is taken to the pub Jo contacts UNIT HQ and asks Captain Mike Yates and Sergeant Benton to join her at Devil's End. Unbeknown to anyone back at the barrow two red eyes peer from within the Hump…

The following morning, in a cavern under the church Mr Magister, the local vicar, and some villagers perform a strange ritual which ends in the summoning of a creature called Azal. Shortly after Captain Mike Yates and Sergeant Benton arrive by helicopter a strange wave of heat descends on the village which revives The Doctor. He quizzes Jo about what happened at the barrow. They are also joined by Miss Hawthorne who explains about all the other strange things that have been happening in the village. However, when she mentions Mr Magister, The Doctor realises that the vicar is in fact The Master

Reverend Magister
Reverend Magister

The Doctor decides to revisit the barrow, along with Jo. Inside they discover a miniaturised spacecraft and a living gargoyle, called Bok, which attacks them. The Doctor though manages to fend off Bok with an iron trowel and a line from a Venusian lullaby.

Back at the pub, The Doctor explains that The Master has summoned a Dæmon, one of an ancient race who have visited Earth several times in the past so as to guide human life on Earth. He reveals that the Dæmons came from the planet Dæmos and are the origin of the myth of the horned beast. It seems that The Master is using their advanced science to summon Azal, who will appear three times.

Miss Hawthorne
Miss Hawthorne

On learning that The Brigadier is unable to enter the village, due to the heat barrier which is approximately ten miles in diameter and one mile high, The Doctor tries to explain to The Brigadier over Captain Yates' walkie talkie that they need to build a diathermic energy exchanger but Sergeant Osgood, The Brigadier's technical expert, does not understand The Doctor’s instruction. This prompts The Doctor to travel out to the barrier to explain to Sergeant Osgood face-to-face what is needed to break through the heat barrier.

The Master has become alerted to UNIT's plans and so tries to stop The Doctor. The Doctor though is able to thwart The Master’s attempts to kill him. The Master then summons Azal a second time. But instead of gaining Azal's power The Master is frustrated when the Dæmon demands to speak with The Doctor.

On arriving back at the village The Doctor discovers that The Master has arranged a reception for him. He is jostled by some Morris Dancers and tied to a maypole. With help from Miss Hawthorne and Sergeant Benton's sharp-shooting from the pub he is able to convince the villagers that he has magical powers and so they release him.

The Doctor
The Doctor

Meanwhile Jo has found herself captured and held prisoner, by The Master, in the cavern under the church and witnesses The Master summon Azal for the third and final time. But The Doctor is unable to come to her aid because Bok is guarding the churchyard and anyone who approaches is vaporised. Help comes from The Brigadier who has finally managed to pass through the heat barrier – thanks to Sergeant Osgood following The Doctor’s earlier instructions. The use of the exchanger momentarily weakens Bok and Azal, allowing The Doctor to rush past the gargoyle as it is momentary disorientated. The Brigadier and the UNIT troops soon arrive in the village and start firing at Bok. But their guns are not affective against the gargoyle and even a bazooka does not work, as the pieces of the gargoyle reform almost instantly.

Inside the cavern The Master still hopes to be the recipient of the Dæmons’ tremendous powers, but instead Azal offers them to The Doctor. The Doctor declines, arguing that the human race should be allowed to develop at its own pace. Azal therefore agrees to let The Master have his powers and so starts to kill The Doctor. Jo pleads with Azal to let The Doctor go but when she realises that he has no intention of stopping she pushes in front of him and pleads with Azal to kill her instead. Azal is unable to comprehend this act of self-sacrifice and in his confusion his own power turns against the Dæmon.

Outside Bok reverts to his stone form as everyone flees from the church just before it explodes. The Master tries to escape in Bessie but is finally captured when The Doctor uses his remote control to bring his car back. The Master then finds himself taken away to await trial for his crimes against humanity.

The Brigadier and Sergeant Osgood
The Brigadier and Sergeant Osgood
Bok the Gargoyle
Bok the Gargoyle
'Chap With Wings…'
'Chap With Wings…'
The Master
The Master
Sergeant Benton
Sergeant Benton
Jo Grant
Jo Grant
Bok Attacks
Bok Attacks
Azal is Angered
Azal is Angered

Quote of the Story

 'Everything that happens in life has a scientific explanation - if you look for it.'

The Doctor

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Release Information

FormatTitleRelease Date (UK)Code NumberCover ArtRemarks
The Pertwee YearsMarch 1992BBCV 4756PhotoIncludes Black and White version of episode 5 Introduced by Jon Pertwee
The DæmonsMarch 1993BBCV 4950Alister Pearson
The DæmonsMarch 2012BBCDVD 3383
The DæmonsMarch 2012BBCDVD 3383Photo-montageForbidden Planet "Limited Edition Convention Special Slipcase" version
Doctor Who: The Collection - Season 8 (Limited Edition)March 2021BBCBD 0506Lee BindingBlu-Ray Limited Edition boxed set containing 5 specially restored stories
Doctor Who: The Collection - Season 8 (Standard Edition)November 2022BBCBD 0564Lee BindingBlu-Ray Standard Edition boxed set containing 5 specially restored stories

In Print

FormatTitleRelease Date (UK)PublisherAuthorCover ArtRemarks
Doctor Who and the DæmonsOctober 1974Target No. 15Barry LettsChris AchilleosISBN: 0-426-10444-7
(1st Edition Target Cover)
Doctor Who and the DæmonsJanuary 1980Target No. 15Barry LettsAndrew SkilleterISBN: 0-426-11332-2
(2nd Edition Target Cover)
Doctor Who Classics: The Dæmons & The Time MonsterMarch 1989Star BooksBarry LettsAndrew SkilleterDouble story release.
ISBN: 0-352-32382-5
Doctor Who and the Dæmons1982Target No. 15Barry LettsAndrew SkilleterHardback cover. ISBN: 0-426-11332-2
The DaemonsOctober 1992Titan BooksRobert Sloman and Barry LettsAlister PearsonEdited by John McElroy. ISBN: 1-85286-324-2
The DaemonsOctober 1993Target No. 15Barry LettsAlister PearsonVirgin new cover reprint.
ISBN: 0-426-11332-2
Doctor Who and the DæmonsAugust 2008Target No. 15Barry LettsChris AchilleosAudio version of the Target Novel read by Barry Letts
Doctor Who CMS Magazine (An Adventure in Space and Time)Issue 59
Doctor Who Monthly - ArchiveIssue 57 (Released: October 1981)
Doctor Who Magazine - NostalgiaIssue 119 (Released: December 1986)
Doctor Who Magazine - ArchiveIssue 241 (Released: July 1996)
Doctor Who Magazine - Time TeamIssue 328 (Released: April 2003)
Doctor Who Magazine - Time TeamIssue 329 (Released: April 2003)
Doctor Who Magazine - The Fact of FictionIssue 417 (Released: February 2010)
Doctor Who Magazine - ArticleIssue 541 (Released: September 2019)
Doctor Who DVD FilesVolume 117 (Released: June 2013)

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Photo Gallery

The Doctor and Companions

Jon Pertwee
The Third Doctor


Nicholas Courtney
The Brigadier
John Levene
Sergeant Benton
Katy Manning
Jo Grant
Richard Franklin
Captain Mike Yates

On Release

Pertwee Years VHS Video Cover
Pertwee Years VHS Video Cover

VHS Video Cover
VHS Video Cover

DVD Cover
DVD Cover

Forbidden Planet DVD Cover
Forbidden Planet DVD Cover

The Collection Season 8 Limited Edition Blu-Ray Cover
The Collection Season 8 Limited Edition Blu-Ray Cover

The Collection Season 8 Standard Edition Blu-Ray Cover
The Collection Season 8 Standard Edition Blu-Ray Cover


In Print

Original Target Book Cover
Original Target Book Cover

Reprinted Target Book Cover
Reprinted Target Book Cover

Doctor Who Classics Cover
Doctor Who Classics Cover

Star Books
Hardback Book Cover
Hardback Book Cover

Titan Script Book Cover
Titan Script Book Cover

Reprinted Virgin Book Cover
Reprinted Virgin Book Cover

Target Audio CD Cover
Target Audio CD Cover



Doctor Who CMS Magazine (An Adventure in Space and Time): Issue 59
Doctor Who CMS Magazine (An Adventure in Space and Time): Issue 59

Doctor Who Monthly - Archive: Issue 57
Doctor Who Monthly - Archive: Issue 57

Marvel Comics
Doctor Who Magazine - Nostalgia: Issue 119
Doctor Who Magazine - Nostalgia: Issue 119

Marvel Comics
Doctor Who Magazine - Archive: Issue 241
Doctor Who Magazine - Archive: Issue 241

Marvel Comics
Doctor Who Magazine - Time Team: Issue 328
Doctor Who Magazine - Time Team: Issue 328

Marvel Comics
Doctor Who Magazine - Time Team: Issue 329
Doctor Who Magazine - Time Team: Issue 329

Marvel Comics
Doctor Who Magazine - The Fact of Fiction: Issue 417
Doctor Who Magazine - The Fact of Fiction: Issue 417

Marvel Comics
Doctor Who Magazine - Article: Issue 541
Doctor Who Magazine - Article: Issue 541

Marvel Comics
Doctor Who DVD Files: Volume 117
Doctor Who DVD Files: Volume 117

GE Fabbri

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