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The Claws of Axos
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Jon Pertwee
The Claws of Axos
Third Doctor Logo


Humanoid Axons
Humanoid Axons
 A mysterious object approaches Earth, alerting The Doctor and UNIT that they face another possible threat from outer space.

 Are the gold-skinned aliens who claim to bring great gifts to humanity as peaceful and benevolent as they first appear? And why is Doctor's arch-enemy the Master on board their spaceship...?

Source: BBC DVD

General Information

Season: Eight
Production Code: GGG
Story Number: 57
Episode Numbers:289 - 292
Number of Episodes: 4
Percentage of Episodes Held:100%
Working Titles:"The Gift", "The Friendly Invasion", "The Axons" and "The Vampire From Space"
Production Dates: January - February 1971
Broadcast Started: 13 March 1971
Broadcast Finished: 03 April 1971
Colour Status: Colour and B&W
Studio: BBC Television Centre (TC3 and TC4)
Location: Dengemarsh Road (Lydd, Kent), St Martin's Plain Camp (Shorncliffe, Kent), Dungeness Road and Dungeness ‘A’ Nuclear Power Station (Dungeness, Kent).
Writers:Bob Baker and Dave Martin
Director:Michael Ferguson
Producer:Barry Letts
Script Editor:Terrance Dicks
Editor:Bob Rymer
Production Assistant:Marion McDougall
Assistant Floor Manager:Roselyn Parker
Designer:Kenneth Sharp
Costume Designer:Barbara Lane
Make-Up Designers:Jan Harrison and Rhian Davies
Cameraman:A A Englander
Lighting:Ralph Walton
Visual Effects:John Horton
Incidental Music:Dudley Simpson
Special Sounds (SFX Editor):Brian Hodgson
Studio Sounds:Dave Kitchen
Title Sequence:Bernard Lodge and Ben Palmer
Title Music:Ron Grainer and the BBC Radiophonic Workshop. Arranged by Delia Derbyshire
Stunts/Action By: HAVOC
Number of Doctors: 1
The Doctor: Jon Pertwee (The Third Doctor)
Number of Companions: 4The Companions: Nicholas Courtney (The Brigadier), John Levene (Sergeant Benton), Katy Manning (Jo Grant) and Richard Franklin (Captain Mike Yates) Guest Cast: Roger Delgado (The Master), Donald Hewlett (Hardiman) Additional Cast: Paul Grist (Filer), Peter Bathurst (Chinn), Fernanda Marlowe (Corporal Bell), David Savile (Winser), Derek Ware (Pigbin Josh), Bernard Holley (Axon Man), Michael Walker (1st Radar Operator), David G. March (2nd Radar Operator), Patricia Gordino (Axon Woman), John Hicks (Axon Boy), Debbie Lee London (Axon Girl), Tim Piggott-Smith (Captain Harker), Kenneth Benda (The Minister), Royston Farrell (Technician)Setting: Earth (1970s) Villains: Axons and The Master

The Episodes

No. Episodes Broadcast
Duration Viewers
In Archive
289Episode 113 March 197123'51"7.3PAL 2" colour videotape and 16mm B&W telerecording
290Episode 220 March 197124'00"8.0PAL D3 colour restoration and 16mm B&W telerecording
291Episode 327 March 197124'05"6.4PAL D3 colour restoration and 16mm B&W telerecording
292Episode 403 April 197125'16"7.8PAL 2" colour videotape and 16mm B&W telerecording

Total Duration 1 Hour 37 Minutes

Audience Appreciation

Average Viewers (Millions) 7.4
Doctor Who Magazine Poll (1998)61.66%  (Position = 113 out of 159)
Doctor Who Magazine Poll (2009)65.61% Higher (Position = 129 out of 200)
Doctor Who Magazine Poll (2014)69.65% Higher (Position = 139 out of 241)
Doctor Who Magazine Poll (2023) Position = 19 out of 24


 All four episodes exist in colour. Episodes 1 and 4 exist as PAL 2" colour videotapes. Episodes 2 and 3 exist as PAL D3 colour restorations. All four episodes also exist as 16mm black & white telerecordings.

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"The Claws of Axos" is the first story by writing duo Bob Baker and Dave Martin. They who would go on to write many Doctor Who stories throughout the seventies.

One of the working titles for this story was "The Vampire From Space" - which this story went into production as. However, halfway through production it was decided to rename this story to "The Claws of Axos". As a result the opening credit sequences for the first two episodes had to be rerecorded. However, the original title was inadvertently retained on some overseas prints as well as in most of the story's publicity material. The 2005 DVD release contains unused footage and cuts still naming this story as "The Vampire From Space".

This story was originally due to be a six-parter, but the concept of the storyline changed as development progressed resulting in it being reduced to four episodes.

This story marks the first television appearance of Tim Pigott-Smith. He would later play Marco in the 1976 Fourth Doctor story "The Masque of Mandragora".

Bernard Holley had been last seen in Doctor Who in the 1967 Second Doctor story "The Tomb of the Cybermen".

Kenneth Benda was heard as the Minister in a voice-over telephone conversation in episode 2. This was uncredited on screen.

The interior of the TARDIS was seen again after an absence of nearly two years (it was last seen in the final Second Doctor story "The War Games"). This story also includes the debut of the new TARDIS console, designed by Kenneth Sharp. The original had been tinted light green to show up better as white on monochrome videotape, but was no longer suitable now that the show was being broadcast in colour. It had also been badly damaged over its seven years of service.

Also making its debut in this story was UNIT's second mobile HQ.

Both The Doctor and The Master refer to events in this story in the 2007 Tenth Doctor story "The Sound of Drums/Last of the Time Lords". The Master mocks the now-elderly Tenth Doctor by recalling when he stood up to Axons and the Sea Devils and The Doctor later reminds The Master of the Axons and the Daleks while attempting to encourage his old enemy to regenerate after being shot.

This story features the famous shot of Jo Grant's purple knickers.

Location shooting for this story took place at mainly at Dungeness in Kent with the Dungeness ‘A’ Nuclear Power Station serving as the Nuton Power Complex.

Frustratingly, the weather proved highly variable throughout the five-day shooting, ranging from snow at the start of the week, through fog and finally to sunshine on the final day. To explain the inconsistency of shots filmed on various days, but supposedly taking place within minutes of each other, Script Editor Terrance Dicks assigned a new line of dialogue for Corporal Bell to announce about reports of ‘freak weather conditions’ as a result of the Axos arrival.

For reasons unexplained, the opening titles for this story use the Second Doctor's version of the Doctor Who theme music as opposed to the Third Doctor's, as do "Terror of the Autons" and "The Mind of Evil". After this story however, the theme reverts to the Jon Pertwee standard.

A common myth about this story is that the colour-separation overlay (CSO) backgrounds were accidentally omitted in some of the car interior scenes, leaving the blue screen behind the characters. In reality, it has been revealed that the blue is supposed to represent the sky.

"The Claws of Axos" was the last of four stories that Michael Ferguson directed on Doctor Who. He went on to direct episodes of programmes such as Colditz before becoming a producer, with credits including The Sandbaggers, EastEnders and Casualty.

Like many of the early Third Doctor stories a complete colour version of this story was not kept by the BBC. In the early eighties only episodes 1 and 4 were located in the BBC archives. Thankfully 16mm black & white telerecordings had been kept and NTSC syndicated versions had been sent abroad to Canada in 1979. Episodes 1-3 were recovered in 1985 so enabling PAL D3 colour restorations of episodes 2 and 3 to be made. These were released on VHS in 1992. Enhanced restorations were made for the 2005 DVD release.

Even though this is there only television appearance the Axons returned in 2011 in the Big Finish Productions audio story "The Feast of Axos". Bernard Holley, who played both the voice of Axos and the male Axon can also be heard in this audio story which stars Colin Baker as the Sixth Doctor.

First and Last

The Firsts:

 The first Doctor Who story to be written by Dave Martin and Bob Baker.

 Barbara Lane's first involvement in the show as Costume Designer.

 The first appearance of the interior of the TARDIS since "The War Games".

 The debut of the new TARDIS console, designed by Kenneth Sharp.

The Lasts (Subject to Future Stories):

 Director Michael Ferguson's last contribution to the show.

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The Plot

WARNING: May Contain SpoilersHide Text
Humanoid Axons
Humanoid Axons

At UNIT Headquarters, The Brigadier is entertaining two visitors - Chinn, a civil servant carrying out a security inspection, and Bill Filer, an American agent sent from Washington to help UNIT track down The Master. Whereas The Doctor’s assistant, Jo Grant, is enjoying the presence of the American, The Brigadier is suffering from the visit by Chinn who is concerned that there seems to be no files or records on UNIT’s Scientific Adviser - The Doctor.

Just as the meeting with Bill Filer is about to start The Brigadier is informed that a strange object has been detected heading towards Earth. At first it is thought that it is just a meteorite but when it changes direction, and heads straight for Earth, The Doctor confirms it must be a spacecraft. Chinn automatically assumes command and orders a missile strike to destroy it. But just as the missile is about to reach its target the unidentified object suddenly vanishes forcing Chinn to issue the order to abort the missile. Chinn then orders that Bill Filer is to take no part in UNIT’s investigation as the spacecraft’s landing on British soil makes it an internal matter. Bill Filer is therefore forced to leave as UNIT mobilises to go to the landing site.

On the South East coast of England, close to the Nuton Power Complex, a tramp cycling along a lane witnesses some very strange weather conditions as the spacecraft lands. As he approaches the entrance to the spacecraft, which has partially buried itself in the ground, he is captured and then analysed by the alien beings inside. They reject him as being of no value. Bill Filer, who arrives just before UNIT, also approaches the entrance of the spacecraft, and he too is captured. However, Bill Filer’s higher intelligence is detected and so he is held for further analysis. When Bill Filer regains consciousness he discovers he is being held captive along with another person who he recognises as being The Master…

The Master
The Master

As soon as UNIT arrives a mobile headquarters is set up. It is then that the sound, like a heartbeat, and a message asking for help is heard coming from the spaceship. The Brigadier, The Doctor and Chinn, together with Sir George Hardiman and Doctor Winser who have joined them from the nearby Nuton Power Complex, enter the spacecraft. Inside they meet its occupants - beautiful golden-skinned humanoids who introduce themselves as Axons. They claim that their ship, Axos, has very low power levels and that they need time for it to be replenished. In return, they offer the humans Axonite, a substance that the Axons demonstrate can cause animals to grow to enormous sizes and thus end food shortages. The Doctor though is suspicious of this miracle gift, and rightly so.

Chinn agrees to take a sample of Axonite away for study. He though can only see glory for himself by keeping Axonite for exclusive use by Britain. Meanwhile The Doctor and Doctor Winser take the Axonite to the Nuton Power Complex to start analysing it. The Doctor wants to put the Axonite in a particle accelerator so as to get it to analyse itself, but Doctor Winser won’t allow his equipment to be used in this manner. The Doctor therefore asks for his TARDIS to be brought to the complex as he will be able to use equipment that he has inside instead. The Doctor actually hopes that he might be able to get the TARDIS operational again with the help of Doctor Winser’s equipment. While Doctor Winser arranges for the transport of the TARDIS, The Doctor starts to use, without Doctor Winser’s knowledge, the particle accelerator to analyse the sample of Axonite. The Doctor realises from the results that Axos, Axonite and the Axons are all just different aspects of a single organism.


In Axos The Doctor’s experiment has disastrous results when the Axonite starts reacting and absorbing all the energy. This causes Axos to panic as its nutrition cycle has been started early. The disruption though allows Bill Filer to escape and he is able to warn The Doctor about The Master. However, the disruption also prompts Axon monsters – hideous tentacled creatures which are the Axons true form - to invade the lab, at the Nuton Power Complex, so as to retrieve the Axonite. They also take The Doctor and Jo back to Axos with them.

It is then that The Doctor realises the Axons are a parasitic entity brought to Earth by The Master to feed on the planet's energy. The Axons want Axonite to be distributed all over the world thus allowing Axos to drain the Earth of energy. When the Axons learn that Chinn intends to keep Axonite in Britain they allow The Master to leave Axos - They have his TARDIS and so use this to retain The Master’s cooperation.

When The Master reaches UNIT Headquarters he arranges for a message about Axonite to be sent to the UN, thus ensuring that the other countries will ask for some of the substance for themselves. He then hitches a lift back to the Nuton Power Complex with The Doctor’s TARDIS. There he discovers that The Doctor has made a mess of his time machine in his attempt to break free from the exile imposed by the Time Lords. As The Master starts to effect repairs to The Doctor's TARDIS, as his time machine is still being held by the Axons, he is seen by Captain Mike Yates and placed under arrest.

Inside Axos
Inside Axos

Meanwhile Axos becomes interested in The Doctor's knowledge of time travel, having recognised him as being of the same race as The Master. It now plans to broaden its feeding base by travelling through time as well as space. By threatening Jo with rapid aging Axos gets The Doctor to reveal the theory of time travel. They realise that they need power from the Nuton Power Complex to achieve this and so an Axon is ordered to enter the nuclear reactor and the resultant power build-up is steadily absorbed by Axos.

However, when it is discovered that the Axons are absorbing all the power output from the complex’s nuclear reactor, The Brigadier has no choice but to persuade The Master to help them to defeat the Axons. The Master uses The Doctor’s TARDIS to store up the power, and then releases it all back at Axos in one go causing the ship to convulse and so allowing The Doctor and Jo to escape. They both return to the Nuton Power Complex where The Doctor and The Master work together to fix the TARDIS. Once Axos has recovered a power surge is sent back to the Nuton Power Complex causing the nuclear reactor to overload When it is realised what the Axons have done the order is given for the complex to be evacuated. The Doctor, along with The Master, depart in the TARDIS.

Much to the dismay of The Master the TARDIS materialises inside Axos. There The Doctor offers to link the two ships together to make one giant time machine, on condition that Axos in return helps him to take revenge on the Time Lords for exiling him to Earth. This though is merely a trick. He has in fact locked Axos into a time loop from which it can never escape.

While Axos is distracted The Master manages to reach his TARDIS and therefore escapes. The Doctor then manages to break his TARDIS free of the time loop, leaving Axos trapped forever. When the TARDIS returns to Earth The Doctor reluctantly admits to The Brigadier that The Master has escaped and that his TARDIS has now been programmed always to return to Earth meaning that he still cannot fully escape from his exile.

The Doctor
The Doctor
The Brigadier
The Brigadier
Axon Monster
Axon Monster
Captain Mike Yates
Captain Mike Yates
Sergeant Benton
Sergeant Benton
The Doctor Held Captive
The Doctor Held Captive
A Humanoid Axon
A Humanoid Axon

Quote of the Story

 'Obviously the Time Lords have programmed the TARDIS always to return to Earth. It seems that I'm some sort of galactic yo-yo!'

The Doctor

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Release Information

FormatTitleRelease Date (UK)Code NumberCover ArtRemarks
Sounds From... EMS19727" LP from Electronic Music Studios Includes "The Axons Approach" arranged by Dudley Simpson
The Claws of AxosMay 1992BBCV 4742Andrew Skilleter
The Claws of AxosApril 2005BBCDVD 1354Photo-montage
Doctor Who at the BBC Radiophonic Workshop Volume Two - New Beginnings 1970-1980May 2005WMSF 6024-2Music and sound effects
The Claws of AxosNovember 2006BBCDVD 1354Photo-montagePart of "The Third Doctor" box set (BBCDVD 2262) Exclusive to Amazon
The Claws of AxosOctober 2012BBCDVD 3670Photo-montageSpecial Edition
The 50th Anniversary CollectionDecember 2013Photo-montageOriginal Television Soundtracks
Doctor Who: The Collection - Season 8 (Limited Edition)March 2021BBCBD 0506Lee BindingBlu-Ray Limited Edition boxed set containing 5 specially restored stories
Doctor Who: The Collection - Season 8 (Standard Edition)November 2022BBCBD 0564Lee BindingBlu-Ray Standard Edition boxed set containing 5 specially restored stories

In Print

FormatTitleRelease Date (UK)PublisherAuthorCover ArtRemarks
Doctor Who and the Claws of AxosApril 1974Target No. 10Terrance DicksChris AchilleosISBN: 0-426-11703-4
(1st Edition Target Cover)
Doctor Who and the Claws of AxosAugust 1978Target No. 10Terrance DicksJohn GearyISBN: 0-426-11703-4
(2nd Edition Target Cover)
Doctor Who Classics: The Mind of Evil & The Claws of AxosMarch 1989Star BooksTerrance DicksChris AchilleosDouble story release.
ISBN: 0-352-32381-7
The Claws of AxosJune 2016Target No. 10Terrance DicksChris AchilleosAudio version of the Target Novel read by Richard Franklin (Captain Mike Yates).
Doctor Who CMS Magazine (An Adventure in Space and Time)Issue 57
Doctor Who Magazine - ArchiveIssue 264 (Released: May 1998)
Doctor Who Magazine - Time TeamIssue 326 (Released: February 2003)
Doctor Who Magazine - The Fact of FictionIssue 432 (Released: April 2011)
Doctor Who Magazine Special - Archive1985 Winter Special (Released: 1985)
Doctor Who DVD FilesVolume 97 (Released: September 2012)

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Photo Gallery

The Doctor and Companions

Jon Pertwee
The Third Doctor


Nicholas Courtney
The Brigadier
John Levene
Sergeant Benton
Katy Manning
Jo Grant
Richard Franklin
Captain Mike Yates

On Release

Audio LP - Sounds From... EMS Cover
Audio LP - Sounds From... EMS Cover

Electronic Music Studios
VHS Video Cover
VHS Video Cover

DVD Cover
DVD Cover

Audio - Volume 2: New Beginnings
Audio - Volume 2: New Beginnings

Third Doctor DVD Box Set
Third Doctor DVD Box Set

Special Edition DVD Cover
Special Edition DVD Cover

The 50th Anniversary Collection Cover
The 50th Anniversary Collection Cover

The Collection Season 8 Limited Edition Blu-Ray Cover
The Collection Season 8 Limited Edition Blu-Ray Cover

The Collection Season 8 Standard Edition Blu-Ray Cover
The Collection Season 8 Standard Edition Blu-Ray Cover


In Print

Original Target Book Cover
Original Target Book Cover

Reprinted Target Book Cover
Reprinted Target Book Cover

Doctor Who Classics Cover
Doctor Who Classics Cover

Star Books
Target Audio CD Cover
Target Audio CD Cover



Doctor Who CMS Magazine (An Adventure in Space and Time): Issue 57
Doctor Who CMS Magazine (An Adventure in Space and Time): Issue 57

Doctor Who Magazine - Archive: Issue 264
Doctor Who Magazine - Archive: Issue 264

Marvel Comics
Doctor Who Magazine - Time Team: Issue 326
Doctor Who Magazine - Time Team: Issue 326

Marvel Comics
Doctor Who Magazine - The Fact of Fiction: Issue 432
Doctor Who Magazine - The Fact of Fiction: Issue 432

Marvel Comics
Doctor Who Magazine Special - Archive: 1985 Winter Special
Doctor Who Magazine Special - Archive: 1985 Winter Special

Marvel Comics
Doctor Who DVD Files: Volume 97
Doctor Who DVD Files: Volume 97

GE Fabbri

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