A Snowy Arrival
The Doctor takes Donna Noble to her first alien world - the Ood Sphere in the year 4126. On landing find they come across a dying Ood. But before dying, the Ood's eyes turn red and it tries to attack Donna. The Doctor muses that the last time he met them, they were being influenced by The Beast. So he wonders what is influencing them this time.
On further investigation The Doctor and Donna find an industrial complex controlled by the Ood Operations Company, who are breeding and then distributing the willing servants to humanity throughout the cosmos. But something is going wrong with the Ood: their eyes are turning red, leading to acts of murder and ultimately a feral state. The search for answers leads The Doctor and Donna to uncover terrible truths about the human race and the origins of the Ood race.
As the ‘Red Eye’ phenomenon affecting the Ood increases The Doctor and Donna find themselves on the run and being hunted down by Ood Operations who are desperate to keep the ‘infection’ hidden from the visitors to the Ood Sphere – by any means – including killing any ‘infected’ Ood.
 | The Doctor |
Donna finds herself trapped in a container full of Oods awaiting shipment and is horrified at the way the Ood are being treated as slaves. Despite being sympathetic to the Ood’s cause Donna is horrified when the eyes of the Ood in the container turn red and hears them chant "the circle must be broken".
Donna, with the help of The Doctor, manages to escape and they find themselves in another part of the complex where they find a batch of uncultivated Ood and they discover that instead of a translation sphere, the young Ood hold a "hind brain".
 | A 'Red-Eye' Ood |
The Doctor and Donna are again captured by Ood Operations' security force and get to meet the head of Ood Operations, Mr Halpen, and his scientist, Dr Ryder. Shortly after this, the Ood begin a mass revolution, and the complex is evacuated. During all the confusion, caused by the mass outbreak, The Doctor and Donna follow Halpen and Dr Ryder to a locked warehouse, where they discover the third stage of the Ood’s race - a large brain.
But the brain's control of the Ood is being limited by a circle of pylons. Halpen plans to kill the brain, and by extension, all of the Ood, but is stopped by a joint effort between The Doctor, Donna, and Halpen's personal Ood, Ood Sigma.
It turns out that Ood Sigma has used Halpen's hair-loss medication to slowly convert Halpen into an Ood. This enables The Doctor to shut down the circle and so freeing all the Ood. Before leaving, Ood Sigma promises to include The Doctor and Donna in the Ood's song, but comments that The Doctor's song may soon end…