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Audio - Bloodtide

(Jonathan Morris

 New writer to Big Finish Productions, Jonathan Morris, has written this story which is directed by Gary Russell. "Bloodtide" has Colin Baker, as the Sixth Doctor, and Maggie Stables, as Evelyn Smythe, meeting the young 19th century naturalist Charles Darwin on the Galapagos Islands. It was due to be released in June, then May, then June again but it was finally released in July 2001.

A Silurian

A Silurian

 This story includes the long awaited return of the Silurians. They were created by Malcom Hulk and made their debut in the Third Doctor story "Doctor Who and the Silurians" in 1970. Their cousins appeared two years later in "The Sea Devils" and then, in 1984, both races returned for a final time in the Fifth Doctor story "Warriors of the Deep". The Silurians are different from the many monsters to attempt to 'invade' the Earth because they are in fact the original inhabitants long before humans evolved and so are reclaiming what they see as their home.

 Also starring in "Bloodtide" are: Daniel Hogarth, Helen Goldwyn, Julian Harries, Jez Fielder, Jane Goddard, Miles Richardson and George Telfer.

 When Jonathan Morris was asked, by co-producer Gary Russell, to do an audio with the proviso that it had the Silurians in it he tried to identify the main principles behind them, and what made them different as monsters. In an interview for The Doctor Who Magazine Jonathan Morris comments:

"It seemed that they owned the Earth before Man; were around at the same time as early Man; were there with the dinosaurs, when the Moon came into orbit… Wherever I decided to start from, it seemed to be contradicting eight other known fads about Silurians. So I just chose one of those as a starting point. The other thing was to see what gaps Malcolm Hulke had skirted around which we could expand upon. For example, in the original serial, they'd gone into hibernation, and never woken up. But there's never really been a proper explanation as to why."

Sixth Doctor
Sixth Doctor
 Aeons ago, the prehistoric Earth is dying. Thunderclouds roll across the skies, cloaking the land in darkness. The seas crash and boil as the rain turns to acid. With the Earth's surface a poisoned wasteland, the Earth's current civilisation, the Silurians, are preparing themselves for survival deep below the surface by placing themselves in suspended animation. One day they plan to awaken and reclaim their world...

 However, before the final Silurians enter their temporary resting place their leading scientist Tulok finds himself in the Silurian Justice Chamber and being excluded from the hibernation chambers - but what crime was so great to cause Tulok to be banished to the surface and to certain death?

 Fortunately for him he is rescued by fellow Silurian, Sh'vak, but Tulok is determined to seek revenge on those who have destroyed his life's work. If only Sh'vak knew the price his race would ultimately pay for his kindness.

Maggie Stables
Maggie Stables
 Countless millennia later the TARDIS lands on the Galapagos Islands, a desolate outcrop of rocks shrouded in mist and fear. The Doctor and Evelyn are not the only new arrivals for the long voyage of HMS Beagle has reached the newly-established penal colony. Which means that a very different scientist is on the Galapagos - a young natural philosopher by the name of Charles Darwin...

 Many dangers are lying in wait for all those recently arrived by ship - whether from the Beagle, or the TARDIS. In the settlement of Baquerizo Moreno, there are rumours that prisoners have been mysteriously disappearing from the gaol house. A fisherman has been driven insane by something he saw in the caves. What terrors lurk beneath the waves? Why is the gaol house so quiet? Why is the island's Governor Lawson acting so harshly? Have the local fishermen really started seeing devils? And what will young Charles Darwin really discover?

The Beagle
The Beagle

 When The Doctor learns of the secret of the gaol house, and also the truth of who the real masters of the colony are, he realises that the natural course of history is under threat. His concerns though are nothing compared to those he has when he learns that Tulok's life work involved genetic modification and that he is responsible for the creation of the human race. The Doctor also discovers that Tulok was responsible for the failure of the hibernation units and so the death of the majority of his race - just for revenge.

 But worse is still to come. While trying to prevent Charles Darwin from learning to much The Doctor has to prevent Tulok from using a bacteria he has created to reduce the human race now that he has realised that his creations have multiplied and now populate his world…

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  • Featuring the Sixth Doctor, Evelyn Smythe and the Silurians.
  • Serial Number: 7C/D
  • Number of Episodes: 4
  • Cover Length: 110 minutes
  • Episode Lengths: 1 = 30'35", 2 = 29'26", 3 = 26'47", 4 = 30'53"
  • This story takes place between "The Trial of a Time Lord" and "Time and the Rani".
  • Cover Illustration: Clayton Hickman
  • Recorded: 31st March and 1st April 2001.
  • Recording Location: The Moat Studios
  • Released: July 2001
  • ISBN: 1-903654-32-7

On the Back Cover:

 The prehistoric Earth is dying. Thunderclouds roll across the skies, cloaking the land in darkness. The seas crash and boil as the rain turns to acid. The remnants of the Silurian race place themselves in suspended animation, deep below the surface.

 One day they will awaken and reclaim their world…

 The TARDIS has landed on the Galapagos Islands, a desolate outcrop of rocks shrouded in mist and fear.

 In the settlement of Baquerizo Moreno, there are rumours that prisoners have been mysteriously disappearing from the gaolhouse. A fisherman has been driven insane by something he saw in the caves. And The Doctor and Evelyn are not the only new arrivals; there is also a young natural philosopher by the name of Charles Darwin…

On the Inside Cover:

 Doctor Who is about the monsters. Take the monsters out of Doctor Who and all you have is a lot of implausibly-costumed people with strange names arguing with each other. As a child, the reason I watched Doctor Who was because of the monsters. And the scarier they were, the better.

 But the Silurians are a bit different. Not only are they scaly green reptiles, but they are scaly green reptiles who have a greater claim to the planet Earth than we do. Indeed, the whole premise of the Silurian race raises interesting moral and ethical questions about mankind's place in nature. And that was, essentially the starting point of this story.

 Before I go, a quick word about historical accuracy. None of the events depicted in this play happened, but they are nevertheless portrayed with complete accuracy.

Jonathan Morris,
March 2001

Full Cast List:

Part One
The Doctor Colin Baker
Evelyn Smythe Maggie Stables
Tulok Daniel Hogarth
Sh'vak Helen Goldwyn
Governor Lawson Julian Harries
Emilio Jez Fielder
Greta Jane Goddard
Charles Dawson Miles Richardson
Captain Fitzroy George Telfer
Part Two
The Doctor Colin Baker
Evelyn Smythe Maggie Stables
Greta Jane Goddard
Lokan Jez Fielder
Charles Dawson Miles Richardson
Sh'vak Helen Goldwyn
Tulok Daniel Hogarth
Governor Lawson Julian Harries
Captain Fitzroy George Telfer
Part Three
The Doctor Colin Baker
Evelyn Smythe Maggie Stables
Captain Fitzroy George Telfer
Greta Jane Goddard
Lokan Jez Fielder
Sh'vak Helen Goldwyn
Tulok Daniel Hogarth
Charles Dawson Miles Richardson
Governor Lawson Julian Harries
Part Four
The Doctor Colin Baker
Evelyn Smythe Maggie Stables
Charles Dawson Miles Richardson
Tulok Daniel Hogarth
Captain Fitzroy George Telfer
Sh'vak Helen Goldwyn
Lokan Jez Fielder

The Production Team:

Writer Jonathan Morris
Director Gary Russell
Sound/Music Alistair Lock
Theme Music Mark Ayres
Producers Gary Russell and
Jason Haigh-Ellery
Executive Producer for the BBC Jaqueline Rayner
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