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Jodie Whittaker
Eve of the Daleks
Thirteenth Doctor Logo


Dalek Executioners
Dalek Executioners
 New Year’s Eve. Sarah is working - again.

 Nick is her only customer - again.

 Same old same old. Except this year, their countdown to midnight will be the strangest and deadliest they have ever known.

 Why is an executioner Dalek targeting these two people, in this place, on this night?

 Why are they having to live through the same moments again?

 Can The Doctor, Yaz and Dan save them and survive into the New Year?

Source: BBC Website

General Information

Season: Thirty Nine (New Series 13)
Production Code: 13-2
Story Number: 298 (New Series: 142)
Episode Number:869 (New Series: 173)
Number of Episodes: 1
Percentage of Episodes Held:100%
Production Dates:
Broadcast Date: 01 January 2022
Colour Status: HD Colour
Studio: BBC Wales (Roath Lock Studios, Cardiff)
Writer:Chris Chibnall
Director:Annetta Laufer
Producer:Sheena Bucktowonsing
Executive Producers:Chris Chibnall and Matt Strevens
Co-Executive Producer:Nikki Wilson
Executive Producer for the BBC:Ben Irving
Associate Producer:Sheena Bucktowonsing
Assistant Directors:Jac Lewis, Laura Thompson and Tom May
Script Supervisor:Kriss Landin
Script Editors:Caroline Buckley and Rebecca Roughan
Editors:Erline O'Donovan-Clarke, Brooke Taylor Michael (Assistant), Joseph Keirle (Assistant), Alastair Gray (Assistant VFX) and Emily Lawrence (VFX)
Colourist:Gareth Spensley
Head of Production:Charlotte Bloxham
Production Executive:Tracie Simpson
Production Manager:Delmi Thomas
Post Production Producer:Ceres Doyle
Post Production Supervisor:Liv Duffin
Location Manager:Gareth Roberts
Supervising Location Manager:Iwan Roberts
Production Designer:Dafydd Shurmer
Director of Photography:Robin Whenary
Casting Director:Andy Pryor CDG
Line Producer:Steffan Morris
Costume Designer:Ray Holman
Make-Up Designer:Emma Cowen
Cameramen:Evangeline Davies (Assistant), Nic Yates (Assistant), Mark McQuoid (Operator), Adam Clewes (Trainee) and Olga Walus (Trainee)
Visual Effects:DNEG
Additional VFX:Ben Pickles, Martyn Western, Rory Williams, The 2D Workshop and Zodiak VFX
Special Effects:Real SFX
Special Creature Effects:Robert Allsopp & Associates
Creature Designer:Ray Holman
Stunt Co-ordinators:Belinda McGinley and Crispin Layfield
Stunt Performer:Leon Gabbidon
Incidental Music:Segun Akinola
Sound Designer:Harry Barnes
Sound Recordist:Deian Llyr Humphreys
Dubbing Mixers:Howard Bargroff and Natasha Haycocks
Music Orchestrated By:Alec Roberts
Additional Orchestrations By:Huw White
Music Conducted By:Alastair King
Music Recorded By:Olga Fitzroy
Music Mixed By:Goetz Botzenhardt
Title Sequence:Ben Pickles
Title Music:Ron Grainer and the BBC Radiophonic Workshop. Arranged by Segun Akinola
Daleks Originally Created By: Terry Nation
Number of Doctors: 1
The Doctor: Jodie Whittaker (The Thirteenth Doctor)
Number of Companions: 2The Companions: Mandip Gill (Yasmin Khan) and John Bishop (Dan Lewis) Additional Cast: Aisling Bea (Sarah), Adjani Salmon (Nick), Barnaby Edwards (Dalek Operator 1), Nicholas Pegg (Dalek Operator 2), Jon Davey (Additional Dalek Operator), Nicholas Briggs (Voice of the Daleks), Pauline McLynn (Mary), Jonny Dixon (Karl)Setting: ELF Storage, Manchester (31st December 2021 and 1st January 2022) Villain: Daleks

The Episodes

No. Episodes Broadcast
Duration Viewers
In Archive
869Eve of the Daleks01 January 202258'16"4.4Yes

Total Duration 58 Minutes

Audience Appreciation

Average Viewers (Millions) 4.4
Doctor Who Magazine Poll (2023) Position = 7 out of 24


 This story exists and is held in the BBC's Film and Videotape Library.

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This story is the 2022 New Year Special. It continues on from the end of the previous story (the six-parter "Flux"), which saw The Doctor's TARDIS damaged from the Flux. In "Eve of the Daleks" the Thirteenth Doctor, while attempting to reboot the TARDIS, accidentally traps ELF Storage and everyone inside it within a time loop. It also dealt with the consequences of The Doctor allowing the Dalek War Fleet to be destroyed in the final Flux event, with Dalek Executioners being sent to exterminate The Doctor in revenge.

It was written by Chris Chibnall and directed by Annetta Laufer. Jodie Whittaker stars, as the Thirteenth Doctor, alongside Mandip Gill and John Bishop as her travelling companions, Yasmin Khan and Dan Lewis, respectively. It features guest stars Aisling Bea, Adjani Salmon and Pauline McLynn. Jonny Dixon, who last appeared in the 2018 story "The Woman Who Fell to Earth", returned to portray Karl. He is seen briefly - witnessing the destruction of the storage facility at the end of this story.

For the first time since, the 1996 Eighth Doctor film "Doctor Who: The Movie", a story’s events are specific to a New Year’s Eve. ‘There have been Christmas episodes, but I think this is only the second time the series has done New Year’s Eve’, writer Chris Chibnall has stated. ‘Everybody wants New Year’s Eve to be the greatest night of the year, but it rarely is. We all feel that pressure about what you’re going to do. Will you go out? Will you meet someone? Are you going to spend it with the love of your life? For our final New Year’s Eve episode we’ve gone full New Year’s Eve, with all those yearnings and frustrations. And Daleks’.

This is the first of three specials for 2022 - and, along with the second special, was filmed in the same production run as all six episodes of "Flux". Filming for these two specials concluded in August 2021.

It has been reported that when Jodie Whittaker first read the script for this story and, saw that The Doctor gets exterminated in the opening minutes, she genuinely believed that she had been written out of the show earlier than she thought she was going to be.

This story is notable for the first to explicitly establish Yasmin Khan's feelings toward The Doctor as being romantically inclined. This occurs when Dan notices Yasmin’s reactions when in The Doctor presence. Yasmin claims that she did not realise that it was so obvious. The Doctor though is aware but pretends she isn't (see also the 2018 story "Arachnids in the UK").

Yasmin accuses The Doctor of ‘leaving us all the time’. The Thirteenth Doctor has ended up separated from Yasmin and other companions several times, including midway through "Spyfall", before "Revolution of the Daleks", and during a three year gap in the fifth part of "Flux".

This story is the third New Year special in a row involving the Daleks.

It introduces a new version of the Daleks referred to as ‘Executioner Daleks’ and uses the format of a time loop.

The Executioner Daleks! are previously unseen versions of the Doctor’s oldest foes and have upgraded, and so more powerful, gunsticks.

Regarding the Daleks seen in this special story Chris Chibnall has stated: ‘I think it’s always good to delineate and make specific the Daleks we meet at any point. These are the bronze Daleks, which we’ve only really glimpsed in recent years. But in this episode we have an execution squad, armed with rapid-fire, multi-blast weapons that make them even deadlier than standard Daleks. This is the ultimate New Year’s countdown - while you’re stuck somewhere, with Daleks coming for you’.

The Daleks in this story accuse The Doctor of using the Flux to destroy a Dalek War Fleet - which she counters was a Sontaran plan that she had only hijacked (see the final episode of the previous story "Flux").

Daleks have previously pursued The Doctor with the intent of executing the Time Lord (see "The Chase").

Before she is first killed by the Daleks, The Doctor fearfully mutters, ‘Not like this’. She had only recently been warned by the embodiment of Time that her time was heading to its end (see the final episode of the previous story "Flux").

One of the Daleks is heard to say ‘I am NOT Nick!’. One of the characters is called Nick but the man providing the voice for the Daleks is Nick Briggs.

The Fourth Doctor previously used his sonic screwdriver to interfere with Daleks on Proxima Major, causing more than just weapon interference. This included interference in their speech circuits and motor circuits (see the Big Finish Productions Fourth Doctor audio stories "The Dalek Contract" and "The Final Phase"). Similarly, the Thirteenth Doctor previously used her sonic screwdriver successfully to interfere with the Reconnaissance Dalek's weaponry in the 2019 story "Resolution").

The TARDIS' Cloister Bell is again heard – this time when The Doctor initiates the self-reset.

Dan is heard comparing the time loop to a Groundhog Day.

Nick's self-storage unit is filled with items that belonged to his ex-girlfriends, which he has kept in case they asked for them back. It is revealed that Nick has had a lot of ex-girlfriends, including Simona, Lucy, and Nicole. The sheer number of them, coupled with Nick's apparent obsessiveness over their possessions, prompts a worried Yasmin to ask him if they are all still alive.

Prohibited items for storage included stolen or illegal goods, humans, animals, tyres, cash, plants, food, cars, guns, ammunition, toxic, hazardous, and radioactive materials.

The Doctor mentions not having seen so much gunpowder since 1605 - alluding to Guy Fawkes' attempted destruction of parliament, which was witnessed by The Doctor, (see the computer game "The Gunpowder Plot") and also Yasmin (see the short story "Black Powder", that was published in the Doctor Who Magazine issues 568 and 569).

The Doctor states her sonic screwdriver is unable to resonate concrete. The Ninth Doctor learned this fact when he was unable to use it to escape from the Empty Child with Rose Tyler in the 2005 story "The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances").

Sarah is heard to utter ‘Oh, my giddy aunt!’ while on the run from the Daleks. This phrase was often used by the Second Doctor.

This story has, to date, the longest running part of the storyline before the opening titles - running just over nine minutes, ten seconds. The previous story to hold this accolade was the 2016 Twelfth Doctor story "The Return of Doctor Mysterio".

This story is partially set on the same day that it was broadcast, the 1st January 2022. This makes it one of only nine episodes in the revived series to do so, after "Rose" on the 5th March 2005, the first part of "The End of Time" on the 25th December 2009, the second episode of "The Pandorica Opens/The Big Bang" on the 26th June 2010, the first episode of "The Impossible Astronaut/Day of the Moon" on the 22nd April 2011, "Resolution" on the 1st January 2019, "Revolution of the Daleks" on the 1st January 2021, the first part of "Flux" on the 31st October 2021, and the final part of "Flux" (the directly preceding episode) on the 5th December 2021.

First and Last

The Firsts:

 The first story, since the 1996 Eighth Doctor film "Doctor Who: The Movie", where the events are specific to a New Year’s Eve.

 This story is the first of three specials for 2022.

 This story introduces a new version of Daleks that are referred to as ‘Executioner Daleks’ which have upgraded and more powerful gunsticks.

 This story is notable for the first to explicitly establish Yasmin Khan's feelings toward The Doctor as being romantically inclined.

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The Plot

WARNING: May Contain SpoilersHide Text
Fixing the TARDIS
Fixing the TARDIS

The Doctor decides that a reboot of all of the TARDIS systems is required so as to remove the damage and anomalies caused by the Flux, that occurred during their previous adventure (see "Flux"). To carry this out The Doctor and her two travelling companions, Yasmin Khan and Dan Lewis, must leave the TARDIS as they will die if they stayed inside while the reboot takes place. Therefore, The Doctor plans to take them all on a holiday to an alien beach, where The Doctor has promised to tell Yasmin about her past. The Doctor initiates the reboot and the three of them flee the TARDIS as the Console Room starts to collapse behind them, emerging into what they soon discover is the basement of a storage facility instead of the alien beach.

Unbeknownst to The Doctor, the TARDIS reset has also triggered a time loop and so on exiting the TARDIS, they see that the time machine is covered in glowing orange cracks. The Doctor uses her sonic screwdriver to perform a scan, finding that they are in Manchester and that it is 5 minutes before midnight on New Year's Eve. Coming from Liverpool, Dan is not too pleased with their location, but The Doctor is hopeful that they will still find a good party. However, her face turns serious when she discovers a time disturbance two floors up. The Doctor sets off to investigate followed by Yasmin and Dan.

In the entrance lobby of the storage facility Sarah, the owner, is unaware of the TARDIS’ arrival. She is preoccupied leaving a message for her business partner Jeff, who has once again failed to show up to help on New Year's Eve. A regular customer, Nick who he has a crush on Sarah, then arrives asking to access his storage unit. He also confirms with Sarah what items cannot be stored at the facility. As it is very nearly midnight, and after verifying that the game of Monopoly that he is carrying is not a prohibited item, Nick heads off to his storage unit, that is on the first floor, joking that he will see her next year. While inside his storage unit Nick is annoyed when the lights suddenly go out. As he exits, he discovers a Dalek in the corridor, which promptly exterminates him. His body is soon found by The Doctor, Yasmin and Dan. Meanwhile in the lobby Sarah, while receiving a phone call from her mother, hears movement behind her. Thinking it is Nick she turns and is surprised to discover the Dalek just before it exterminates her. The Doctor, Yasmin and Dan then arrive in the lobby where The Doctor attempts to use her sonic screwdriver to jam the Dalek's weapons systems. This fails and the Dalek uses its upgraded rapid-fire energy weapon to exterminate The Doctor and her two companions.

TARDIS Repairing Itself
TARDIS Repairing Itself

The TARDIS arrives in the basement of the storage facility again just before midnight on New Year's Eve and on exiting Yasmin asks where the beach is. As cracks appear on the TARDIS, like before, all three of them realise that they are experiencing déja vu, and on remembering having previously discovered Nick's dead body, they run to the first floor to avert his death but arrive to find nothing there as Nick has also experienced déja vu and has already run down to warn Sarah. But he is too late as Sarah, on discovering that there is a force-field in place around the building - meaning they cannot escape, has already headed to the fifth floor to see if the unreliable Jeff has any weapons hidden in his storage unit. She though discovers that Jeff has stored his stuff across half the floor, rather than one unit as they had agreed. Before she can investigate further, the Dalek appears. She attempts to sound authoritative and order it off her property, but it pays her no heed, exterminating her.

Down in the lobby Nick finds it empty save for the force-field. A Dalek then corners him before he is exterminated. The Doctor, Yasmin and Dan arrive and discover Nick's dead body. They also discover the forcefield and also see Sarah's corpse on one of the security monitors. The Dalek then arrives informing them that there was a time malfunction that has resulted in a repeat of the last few minutes. The Doctor mocks the Dalek for failing to kill them the first time, but this does not stop The Dalek from exterminating all three of them again.

Dalek Executioner
Dalek Executioner

Time resets again - but this time to 23:53 and Nick has already gone to his storge unit. Realising that he is about to be killed by the Dalek, Sarah decides to go after him, as do The Doctor and her two travelling companions who have once again arrived in the basement. They all convene on the first floor, where Sarah suspects that the Dalek belongs to The Doctor. The Dalek then arrives forcing them all to flee in to Nick's storage unit. On discovering that Nick uses it to store items belonging to his ex-girlfriends - prompting the group to think that Nick might be a serial killer. Nick tries to reassure them that they are all still alive and that he is just keeping their stuff in case they ever ask for it back. Despite his reassurance Sarah is disgusted by this, calling it extremely weird that he does this every New Year's Eve so forcing her to work. Nick, though is upset by this - thinking that it is his fault Sarah is here and so in danger - and so without any warning he leaves the storage unit to sacrifice himself and also to hopefully buy them more time. But as The Dalek starts to burn its way through the door The Doctor is more concerned at how they are going to escape from the Dalek and so prevent being exterminated again. With time running out The Doctor quickly informs Yasmin, Dan and Sarah that there is no way out of the storage unit and so it is only a matter of time before the Dalek will gain access and fire upon them. She also informs them that she has figured out that they are in a time loop and that each reset shortens the time loop by a minute, speculating that it will collapse at midnight. They agree to meet on the fifth floor to look for weapons in Jeff's storage collection. When The Dalek finally succeeds in burning its way through the door it reveals that the time loop has been caused by the TARDIS before exterminating everyone in the storage unit.

The Doctor is proved correct when time resets itself again and it is 23:54 - one minute later than before. But when Nick arrives in the lobby, Sarah proposes that they ignore The Doctor’s plan as she feels that it is The Doctor's fault they are in this mess and so cannot be trusted. Nick reluctantly agrees as they head to the basement while The Doctor, Yasmin and Dan head to the fifth floor in the lift. Dan though decides to get out at the lobby to hopefully distract the Dalek for a while - joking that there had better be another time loop for him to come back to. He encounters the Dalek and for a short while is able to prevent being exterminated. However, as Dan mocks the Dalek, it realises that Dan has been trying to delay it locating and exterminating The Doctor - it then manages to exterminate Dan.

Meanwhile in the basement, Nick confesses that he visits the storage facility every New Year's Eve because he has a crush on Sarah and he knows that she is guaranteed to be there, as Jeff always lets her down. To Sarah's horror, Nick is then exterminated by a second Dalek. Pursued by the Dalek, she flees to a large, heavy rusted door that she knows is an exit from the storage facility. Sarah though finds that even though it is not blocked by the force-field she is unable to open the door before she is exterminated. Meanwhile, on the fifth floor, The Doctor and Yasmine explore and find a room which appears to be where Jeff lives. They also find a room filled with dangerous weapons that The Doctor realises could be used against the Daleks. A Dalek then appears and reveals that it is a member of a squad of Executioner Daleks that, after detecting the TARDIS' energy signature, has been dispatched to execute The Doctor for her crimes in wiping out the Dalek war fleet using the Flux. Despite The Doctor stating that she just hijacked the Sontaran’s plan, the Dalek exterminates them both anyway.

Yasmin, The Doctor and Dan
Yasmin, The Doctor and Dan

Time resets itself again and it is 23:55. The Doctor, Yasmin and Dan head straight to the lobby where The Doctor berates Sarah for not sticking to the plan and so risking all their lives. Sarah attempts to go and rescue Nick, as he usually dies around 5 minutes to midnight, believing that if he doesn't make it past the starting point of the next loop, he will not be there when it resets. The Doctor also decides to go and find Nick herself. Nick though has managed to outwit the Daleks when he is trapped between two of them in a corridor. He does this by ducking down when both Daleks fire at him so destroying each other. Returning to the lobby The Doctor convinces them that they have to make a plan to be outside the building at midnight, using the door in the basement as there means to escape from both the Daleks and the time loop. She also reveals that the Daleks are learning from the previous loops and that they must do this as well in order to anticipate the Dalek's next moves. She comes up with the idea to use her sonic screwdriver to bounce their life signals around the building so the Daleks don't know where they are. The Doctor then has another flash of inspiration stating that Sarah needs to ask her mother to phone 10 seconds before midnight so that she can fool the Daleks. It is not long before three Daleks arrive and they are all exterminated once more.

It is now 23:56 and in the lobby before Sarah can escape a Dalek materialises behind her. She runs to the lift but the Dalek destroys the lift controls and she is left trapped inside the lift, powerless and is exterminated. Meanwhile the lights go out completely in Nick's storage unit. He tries to leave using a torch but is promptly exterminated by another Dalek. In the basement, it is also pitch black and The Doctor decides to find the others alone using her sonic screwdriver as a torch. Dan and Yasmin are left by the TARDIS but the Daleks soon arrive and they are exterminated again. The Doctor is also exterminated when she discovers Sarah's body in the lift.

Time slips by another minute and The Doctor, Yasmin and Dan uncover more of Jeff's stuff in the basement, boxes of presumably illegal fireworks. This gives The Doctor the idea to create a trap that will bring down the storage facility when the fireworks are fired upon by the Daleks. Yasmin goes to find Sarah and Nick bringing them both to the basement before the Daleks realise that The Doctor has misdirected them. With the group assembled in the basement, The Doctor announces that they are going to the use the next and penultimate loop as a decoy, doing the exact opposite of the plan so that the Daleks will not be able to predict their intended actions. They then wait to be exterminated by the Daleks - which duly happens.

Nick and Sarah
Nick and Sarah

It is 23:58 and Sarah takes the lift to the top floor, calling her mother to tell her she loves her, in case she doesn't make it out of the situation. When she gets to the top floor a Dalek exterminates her. Nick, in his storage unit, tricks a Dalek into destroying his ex-girlfriends belongings - thanking them for the therapy before the Dalek exterminates him. Meanwhile The Doctor, Yasmin and Dan await the Dalek’s arrival in Jeff's living space and are exterminated for what they hope is the last time.

With just one minute to go before midnight everyone puts The Doctor’s plan into action. Sarah calls her mother and asks for her to phone back at 10 seconds to midnight, despite her protestations that the lines will be busy. She gives the phone to The Doctor and Yasmine, and flees with Nick through the basement door. The Doctor and Yasmin transport Jeff’s hazardous material to the basement and set it up around the fireworks, while the Daleks are searching in the wrong place. The Doctor uses her sonic screwdriver to place life signals behind the mass, before fleeing, via the basement door, to join the others outside. The Daleks soon arrive in the basement just as Sarah's mother calls. Using her sonic screwdriver The Doctor remotely answers the call. Triggered by hearing Sarah's mother calling her phone, the Daleks fire on the explosives so destroying themselves along with the whole building.

As fireworks soar over the wreckage The Doctor, Yasmin and Dan find the rejuvenated TARDIS in the rubble. Inside The Doctor promises to take them to find the lost treasure of Flor de la Mar, while outside Sarah and Nick decide to travel the world together. As they start their new life together, the TARDIS can be seen flying across the sky behind them.

The First Victim
The First Victim
Dan Torments a Dalek
Dan Torments a Dalek
A Dalek
A Dalek
Daleks Attack
Daleks Attack
Formualating a Plan
Formualating a Plan
Waiting to be Exterminated
Waiting to be Exterminated
Dangerous Goods
Dangerous Goods
Explosive Result
Explosive Result

Quote of the Story

 'Congratulations. The most evil creature in the universe has successfully vanquished an old door.'

The Doctor

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Release Information

FormatTitleRelease Date (UK)Code NumberCover ArtRemarks
Eve of the Daleks & Legend of the Sea DevilsMay 2022BBCDVD 4506Photo-montageDouble DVD release. Released along with "Legend of the Sea Devils"
Eve of the Daleks & Legend of the Sea DevilsMay 2022BBCBD 0556Photo-montageDouble Blu-Ray release. Released along with "Legend of the Sea Devils"
The Complete Thirteenth Series Specials Box Set (Limited Edition Steelbook)November 2022BBCBD 0557Photo-montageLimited Edition Blu-Ray Steelbook boxed set containing the 3 special stories from New Series 13
Original Television Soundtrack - Series 13: The SpecialsJanuary 2023Photo-montageMusic by Segun Akinola (includes music from "Eve of the Daleks", "Legend of the Sea Devils" and "The Power of The Doctor")

In Print

No Book Release
Doctor Who Magazine - ReviewIssue 573 (Released: February 2022)

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Photo Gallery

The Doctor and Companions

Jodie Whittaker
The Thirteenth Doctor


Mandip Gill
Yasmin Khan
John Bishop
Dan Lewis

On Release

DVD Cover
DVD Cover

Blu-Ray Cover
Blu-Ray Cover

Blu-Ray Limited Edition Steelbook
Blu-Ray Limited Edition Steelbook

Original Television Soundtrack Cover
Original Television Soundtrack Cover



Doctor Who Magazine - Review: Issue 573
Doctor Who Magazine - Review: Issue 573

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