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Death is the Only Answer
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The Basics

Season: Season 32 (New Series 6)
Story Number: -
Production Code: -
Number of Episodes: 1
Production Dates: Unknown
Studio: BBC Wales
Location: None
Writer: The Children of Oakley Junior School
Director: Jeremy Webb
Executive Producers: Beth Willis, Piers Wenger and Steven Moffat
Producer: Unknown
Editor: Unknown
Script Editors: Unknown
Costume Designer: Unknown
Make-Up Designer: Unknown
Incidental Music: Unknown
Regular Cast: Matt Smith (The Eleventh Doctor)
Additional Cast: Nickolas Grace (Albert Einstein), Paul Kasey (Ood)
Villain: None

The Episodes

Episodes Broadcast
Duration Viewers
In Archive
Death is the Only Answer 1st October 2011 4'00" Unknown Yes

Total Duration 4'00"
Average Viewers (millions) Unknown


 This is a special Doctor Who mini-story, written by the children of Oakley Junior School and was broadcast, on BBC Three, as part of Doctor Who Confidential episode "When Time Froze".

 This mini-story came about when Doctor Who Confidential and BBC Learning had teamed up in a competition for UK students aged 9-11 to write a script for a Doctor Who short story. The winning script was chosen by producers Steven Moffat, Piers Wenger and Beth Willis and Controller of BBC Learning Saul Nassé. The writers of the winning script were Adam, Daniel, Katie, and Ben, Year Six students at Oakley C.E. Junior School in Basingstoke.

 For their on-screen credit, the only credit in the episode, the authors were collectively known as 'The Children of Oakley Junior School'. This form of on-screen credit is unique to this and the other script-to-screen story "Good as Gold" that was written by the Children of Ashdene School.

 Aspects of this mini-story’s production were covered in a regular ‘Script to Screen’ feature, which appeared in every Confidential episode from "River Runs Wild" through its premiere within "When Time Froze".

 Due to time constraints a shortened version of the Doctor Who opening titles was used.

 After being cast as the Eleventh Doctor, Matt Smith famously wrote several (unpublished) Doctor Who short stories, in order to help him prepare for the role. According to several interviews, one of these stories featured The Doctor meeting Albert Einstein.

Nickolas Grace (who played the part of Albert Einstein) previously took part in a number of Big Finish Productions audio stories. He played Mr Loozly in "Bang-Bang-A-Boom!" and Straxus in "Human Resources", "Sisters of the Flame" and "The Vengeance of Morbius".

The Doctor has obtained a new fez, one which had been previously owned by Albert Einstein. He mentions River Song blowing up his old fez. (see "The Pandorica Opens/The Big Bang").

 The Doctor mentions that Einstein's toothbrush was destroyed by the Daleks during a recent encounter.

 Albert Einstein gets temporarily turned into or replaced by an Ood. Their last appearance was in "The Doctor's Wife".

This is the second time Einstein has been seen in the TARDIS, and references are made to unseen adventures of Einstein and The Doctor. His first appearance was in the 1997 Seventh Doctor story "Time and the Rani" explaining that the TARDIS was all relative. He once had his picture taken with the Eleventh Doctor and Father Christmas at Frank Sinatra's hunting lodge.

 The Doctor says of the TARDIS that ‘This 'old Trash' will be around until the end of time. In fact, it was’.

 The Doctor also wore a fez while sharing adventures with Kazran Sardick and Abigail Pettigrew, and when appearing in a Laurel and Hardy film. (see "A Christmas Carol" and "The Impossible Astronaut/Day of the Moon").

Although the episode of Doctor Who Confidential that contained "Death is the Only Answer" was included in the Series 6 DVD and Blu-ray box sets in a ‘Cutdown’ edit, this mini-story was not included. As such it remains the only revival-era mini-episode to not be released in either DVD or Blu-ray format.


This episode exists and is held in the BBC's Film and Videotape Library.

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The Plot

The Doctor and Albert Einstein
The Doctor and Albert Einstein
 In the control room of the TARDIS, The Doctor is celebrating his acquisition of a new fez formerly owned by his old friend Albert Einstein.

The Doctor then trips near the console, knocking the fez out of his hands and onto a lever on the console. He then accidentally pushes another lever, causing the fez to vanish. A time portal appears and a bewildered Albert Einstein stumbles through it with The Doctor’s Fez.

Albert Einstein had been working on his own attempt at a time machine, but when he tried to turn it off, he arrived in the TARDIS. Albert Einstein also thought that he'd discovered the vital part of finishing his time machine - a green liquid, which he believed to be bionic fusion liquid. However, after scanning the liquid, The Doctor informs Albert Einstein that he is wrong.

An Ood
An Ood
When Albert Einstein walks away from the console to run some tests on the liquid, the flask suddenly bubbles over and the liquid splashes onto his face, turning him into an Ood who repeatedly repeats the phrase, ‘Death is the only answer’.

The Doctor has the TARDIS generate an energy field which turns Albert Einstein back into his normal self. The Doctor recommends that Albert Einstein keeps his fried hair, as it looks ‘more sciencey’.

The Doctor drops Albert Einstein off on 18th September 1945, and leaves for another adventure.

However, unnoticed by The Doctor, a bit of Albert Einstein's liquid remains on the console room floor, moving on its own.

The Quote of the Story

 'Death is the only answer'

An Ood

Release Information

Format Title Release Date (UK) Code Number Cover Art Remarks

No DVD release.

In Print

Format Title Release Date (UK) Publisher Author Cover Art Remarks
No Book release.
Doctor Who Magazine Archive:  
Doctor Who In-Vision Magazine: No In-Vision release.

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