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Cold Fusion
by Lance Parkin
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Book - Cold Fusion
Cold Fusion
(Lance Parkin)
On the Back Cover:

 'The entire universe is at stake and I'm locked in here with another incarnation of myself, and not even one of the good ones!'

 More than one TARDIS lands on a barren ice world. The Fifth Doctor, Adric, Nyssa and Tegan find a once ordered society on the verge of collapse, as rebels wage a dirty war with Scientifica, the ruling elite. All that stands between order and anarchy is the massed presence of an Adjudicator peacekeeping force.

 But is peace the only reason for the Adjudicator garrison? What exactly has been discovered deep below the planet's surface? Who are the mysterious Feratu? And why is telling a ghost story a criminal offence?

 The fifth Doctor sides with the cause of justice and fairness as always. But, as a threat to the universe unfolds, he finds himself in conflict with his past... and his future.

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