BBC Doctor Who - The Magazines BBC
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Doctor Who Magazine - Issue 608
The Video, Audio and Book Covers
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General Details

Issue Number: Issue 608
Magazine Type: Doctor Who Magazine
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Editor: Jason Quinn
Cover Date: October 2024
Number of Covers: 1
Doctor Who Magazine: Issue 608 - Cover 1
Doctor Who Magazine: Issue 608

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Magazine Contents

IntroductionPull To Open
Letter From The ShowrunnerRussell T Davies
NewsGallifrey GuardianNews Items:-
  • Let Battle Commence! (Production)
  • Christmas Gold! (Broadcast)
  • Beyond the Sun (Magazines)
  • Ncuti's Super Sonic! (Merchandise)
  • The Invasions of Earth (Books)
  • Georgia vs Jexabel! (Audio)
  • TV Movie Writer's New Adventures (Audio)
  • LettersGalaxy Forum
    Mini Comic StripThe Daft Dimension by Lew Stringer Colour
    On the WebWho Tube
    ArticleFace the Music
    ArticleThe Dalek Factor
    ArticleFrom Super Fan to Downing Street
    Script to ScreenMantraps
    ArticleWonder Down Under
    ArticleSilver Linings
    ArticleMemory Worm David Banks
    ArticleSweet Talk
    ArticleTime and Space Visualiser
    ArticleWho Experiences
    ArticleFantrap! Everything you NEED to know…
    Comic StripThe Monster Makers - Part 1 Colour, Story: Alan Barnes, Art: Mike Collins and James Offredi, Editor: Marcus Hearn, Featuring: The Fifteenth Doctor, Ruby Sunday
    The Fact of FictionThe Witch's Familiar
    MerchandiseShelf Life
    MerchandiseOther Worlds
    Loose Ends7: The Weeping Angels

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